TVXQ’s Yunho Chosen as Korea’s Representative for World Expo 2010
Even though there’s been a lot of controversy and complications surrounding TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki, some good news has surfaced as it’s been announced that leader Yunho will be attending the 2010 World Expo as a representative of Korea.
If you’re unfamiliar with the World Expo, this event has been an important worldwide tradition where many countries gather and show off their national brand and culture. This year’s expo will begin on May 1st and end on October 31st in Shanghai, China.
On the 28th, Yunho’s representative stated, “Yunho has been chosen by KOTRA (Korean Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) to attend the expo on behalf of South Korea.”
The World Expo is one of biggest occurrences in global events and it’s quite an honor for Yunho to be representing South Korea.
During the announcement ceremony, a lengthy promotional video involving SM Entertainment artists such as Amber, Victoria, Krystal, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Henry, Siwon, Yunho and others was displayed. This video will be played throughout the expo to promote green cities for the future. A representative expressed that Yunho plays the lead character because of his high popularity in China.
Meskipun sudah ada banyak kontroversi dan komplikasi sekitar TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki, kabar baik telah muncul karena telah mengumumkan bahwa leader Yunho akan menghadiri 2010 World Expo as a representative sebagai wakil dari Korea.
Jika Anda tidak terbiasa dengan World Expo, acara ini telah menjadi tradisi yang penting di seluruh dunia , di mana banyak negara berkumpul dan memamerkan merek nasional dan kebudayaan mereka. Pameran tahun ini akan dimulai pada tanggal 1 Mei dan berakhir pada tanggal 31 Oktober di Shanghai, Cina.
Pada tanggal 28, perwakilan Yunho's menyatakan, "Yunho telah dipilih oleh Kotra (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) untuk menghadiri pameran atas nama Korea Selatan."
Expo Dunia adalah salah satu kejadian terbesar dalam peristiwa-peristiwa global dan itu cukup sebuah kehormatan bagi Yunho akan mewakili Korea Selatan.
Selama upacara pengumuman, video promosi panjang melibatkan seniman SM Entertainment seperti Amber, Victoria, Krystal, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Henry, Siwon, Yunho dan lainnya itu ditampilkan. Video ini akan diputar sepanjang pameran untuk mempromosikan kota hijau untuk masa depan. Perwakilan menyatakan bahwa Yunho memainkan tokoh utama karena popularitas tinggi di Cina.
Credit: Allkpop
[Info Trans] Yunho Chosen as Korea’s Representative for World Expo 2010
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