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[TRANS] 100715 Joseijisin Magazine – 3hree Voices Finally Released! Exclusive Sneak Preview

  • 15 Jul 2010
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    The DVD has finally been released

    In order to continue working hard for the future, the 3 chose to go on vacation separately.
    Before their activities in the form of a new group, Junsu, Jejung, and Yuchun, who still had many anxieties in their hearts, each chose their favorite places to go on vacation as means of adjustment of their mentalities and to continuing working hard with a brand new face and attitude. The happenings during the vacations have been turned into images for release~ this is place for the first exclusive release!

    Indo Translate:

    DVD akhirnya telah dirilis

    Dalam rangka untuk terus bekerja keras ke masa depan, ketiganya memilih untuk pergi berlibur secara terpisah. Sebelum kegiatan mereka dalam bentuk kelompok baru, Junsu, Jejung, dan Yuchun, yang masih banyak kekhawatiran di hati mereka, masing-masing memilih tempat favorit mereka untuk pergi berlibur sebagai sarana penyesuaian mentalitas mereka dan untuk terus bekerja keras dengan citra wajah dan sikap yang baru. Kejadian selama liburan telah berubah menjadi gambar untuk di rilis ~ ini adalah tempat untuk perilisan eksklusif pertama!

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    Junsu – passionately singing on his dream stage

    Although it was said to be a secret trip to Sydney, stepping off the plane, there were still fans, who managed to get a hold of the information, waiting inside the airport for them. The number of fans who knew about the news increased daily, and it seemed as if they were surrounding the hotel Junsu was staying in. The shooting for the immensely popular Junsu went like this: whether in the hotel, in the outskirts, or on the way for some sightseeing, he continually hummed songs. His blazing passion for music allowed the staff around to deeply sense it. Later on, when Junsu stood on his long-time dream stage, the Sydney Opera House, and sang beautifully graceful songs, the staff at the scene could only applaud loudly, their cheers causing the whole opera house bubble with exuberance. Debuting in the musical production of “Mozart!” in Korea, his performance received the praise of many professionals in the industry. During the 4th “The Musical Awards”, he successfully earned the Best Male Newcomer Award as well as the Popularity Award.

    Indo Translate:

    Junsu - bersemangat bernyanyi di panggung mimpinya

    Meskipun dikatakan sebagai perjalanan rahasia ke Sydney, melangkah dari pesawat, masih ada fans, yang berhasil menguasai informasi, menunggu di bandara. Jumlah fans yang tahu tentang berita itu meningkat setiap hari, dan rasanya seolah-olah mereka ada di sekitar hotel Junsu menginap. Pemotretan untuk orang seterkenal Junsu berlangsung seperti ini: apakah di hotel, di pinggir jalan, atau di beberapa tempat rekreasi, ia terus bersenandung lagu. semangatnya berkobar untuk musik diikuti dengan para staf yang selalu si sekelilingnya. Kemudian, ketika Junsu berdiri di atas panggung mimpi, Sydney Opera House, dan menyanyikan lagu indah anggun, staf di tempat kejadian hanya bisa bertepuk tangan keras, sorak-sorai mereka menyebabkan seluruh gedung opera hanyut dengan kegembiraan. Debuting dalam produksi musik "Mozart" di Korea!, Kinerjanya menerima pujian dari banyak profesional di berbagai kalangan industri.Selama acara "Penghargaan musik" ke-4, ia berhasil meraih Newcomer Award Pria Terbaik serta Popularitas Award.

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    Jejung – the world of minus 20°

    Riding on a 2-hour domestic flight from Vancouver, Canada, Jejung arrived at the silver world of minus 20°. The place he went to was a small town of around 20 000 people, White House. A place famous for being able to see polar lights, the warm Jejung surprisingly wanted to challenge cross-country skiing, a very extreme winter sport, and also tried dog-sledding 2km in a week. The staff around, however, were freezing to the point of being ice blocks. The shooting wasn’t exactly a one-time deal, so when the staff asked for “one more time”, the other staff would noisily object and go back into the cabins, but only Jejung, despite the fact that tip of his eyelashes had accumulated a thick layer of ice, would just smile and continue race toward the coldness~

    Indo Translate:

    Jejung - dunia minus 20 °

    Naik pada jam penerbangan domestik selama 2 jam dari Vancouver, Kanada, Jejung tiba di dunia minus 20 °. Tempat yang ia kunjungi adalaj sebuah kota kecil berpenduduk sekitar 20 000 orang, Gedung Putih. Sebuah tempat yang terkenal karena bisa melihat lampu polar, Jejung yang hangat mengherankan banyak orang melalui tantangan ski lintas alam, olahraga musim dingin yang sangat ekstrim, dan juga mencoba gaya loncat anjing naik setinggi 2Km dalam seminggu. Staf sekitar, bagaimanapun, kedinginiannya sampai mencapai es menjadi balok es. pemotretannya benar2 tidak diambil satu kali saja, sehingga ketika para staf meminta "sekali lagi", staf lain akan kembali ke kabin, tapi hanya Jejung, walaupun ujung bulu matanya tebal dengan es, dia hanya akan tersenyum dan melanjutkannya tanpa peduli kedinginan ~

    Yuchun – reminiscing his homeland

    The place Yuchun wanted to shoot was Seoul, Korea. He started his 5 years of living in America when he was 12, so he has special feelings towards his homeland. After trying out Loach soup, hand holding an old-fashioned camera he got from a second-hand market and arriving at Bukchon Hanok Village, which still holds onto the remains of traditional Korea, contrary to the easily shy Yuchun that everyone knows, he was extremely relaxed and had a warm expression on his face. The shooting on the streets of Seoul seemed influenced by the brightly-lit building nightlights. Although breathing out white breath, his eyes were shining and emitting light.

    Indo Translate:

    Yuchun - mengingatkan tanah airnya

    Tempat Yuchun ingin berlibur adalah Seoul, Korea. Dia lahir dan sejakumur 5 tahun hidup di Amerika ketika ia berusia 12 tahun, jadi dia memiliki perasaan khusus terhadap tanah kelahirannya. Setelah mencoba sup macracantha, tangan memegang kamera kuno ia dapatkan dari sebuah pasar barang bekas dan tiba di Bukchon Hanok Village, yang masih tetap memegang tradisional korea, bertentangan dengan Yuchun yang pemalu bahkan semua orang tahu, dia sangat santai dan di waajahnya mencerminkan ekspresi yang hangat. pemotretannya di ambil di jalan-jalan Seoul tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh bangunan yang terang benderang. Walaupun napas yang keluar adalaj napas putih, matanya bersinar dan memancarkan cahaya.

    Source: [xiahking]
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    [Pic+Trans] 100715 Yunho – SPUR

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    Preview! Yunho in SPUR.JP‘s filming alre

    ady completed

    July 23rd publication for September issue, Yunho’s special contains 6 pages! Already predetermined! Yunho wore many variety of popular autumn clothing, it wont be the only thing you will see in this magazine. Also, this ti

    me we filmed an interview. While filming the scenery, there are some personal information, reader’s comments and etc, there will be an abundant of exciting material within. July 23rd, 10am, the filming column, please look forward to it.

    Indo Translate:

    Gambar! Pemotretan Yunho di SPUP.JP sudah selesai

    23 Juli publikasi untuk edisi September, khusus berisi tentang Yunho sebanyak 6 halaman! Sudah ditentukan sebelumnya! Yunho mengenakan berbagai pakaian musim gugur terkenal, ini akan menjadi satu-satunya hal yang akan Anda lihat di majalah ini. Juga, kali ini kami menampilkan wawancaranya. Selama wawancara berlangsung, ada beberapa informasi pribadi, komentar pembaca dan sebagainya, akan ada banyak bahan menarik di dalamnya. 23 Jul, jam 10:00 pagi, kolom film, selamat menyaksikan.

    source: baidu+spup
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    [Vid] 100715 SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference part 2

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    [News] 100715 TVXQ trio to hold fan meeting in Seoul in September

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    TVXQ members Xiah Junsu, Hero Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun at Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) held at the Jamsil Indoor Stadium in Seoul, South Korea on November 21, 2009. [photographed by Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

    The newly-established trio from TVXQ — namely Hero Jaejung, Micky Yuchun and Xiah Junsu — will be holding a fan meeting in Seoul in September.

    According to an announcement posted on the event’s website (, the three singers will be meeting with fans in Seoul on September 4, as part of Lotte Duty Free-sponsored fan meeting tour.

    The tour will be available in two versions — the “A Course” which runs from September 3 to 5 and “B Course” from September 3 to 6.

    At the event, the pop idols will give mini-live performance of four songs, talk and play games with the fans and hand out souvenirs which have their autographs on them.

    Indo Translate:

    anggota TVXQ Xiah Junsu, Hero Jaejoong dan Micky YooChun di Mnet Asia Music Awards (MAMA) diadakan di Jamsil Indoor Stadium di Seoul, Korea Selatan pada tanggal 21 November 2009. [fotografer oleh Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

    Kabar terbaru dari trio TVXQ - yaitu Hero Jaejung, Micky Yoochun dan Xiah Junsu - akan mengadakan jumpa fans di Seoul pada bulan September.

    Menurut pengumuman acara diposting pada website (http : / / / tmc / korea / jyj), tiga penyanyi akan bertemu dengan penggemar di Seoul pada tanggal 4 September sebagai bagian dari tur Lotte Duty Free-sponsor untuk jumpa fans.

    Tur ini akan tersedia dalam dua versi - "A Course" yang berlangsung dari 3-5 September dan "B Course" dari 3-06 September.

    Pada acara tersebut, para idol ini akan memberikan sedikit persembahan dari 4 lagu, berbicara, dan bermain game dengan para fans dan memberikan tanda tangan dan souvenir yang ada tanda tangan mereka di atasnya.

    Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
    Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
    <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

    [Trans] 100715 Funny Moments At SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference – Embarrased Yoochun

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    Today, at the “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” poster shoot and press conference, Park Min Young repeatedly exposed funny stories about Micky Yoochun, to such an extent that he tried to take the microphone away.

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    Hari ini, di acara pemotretan dan konferensi pers Sungkyunkwan Skandal , Park Min Young mengeluarkan banyak cerita lucu tentang Micky YooChun, sedemikian rupa sehingga dia mencoba mengambil mikrofonnya.

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    Picture 1: (Laughs) Please don’t say anymore.
    Park Min Young jokes, “Micky Yoochun’s body…is ultra slim.” On the side, Yoochun is so embarrassed that he hides his face under the table.

    Indo Translate:

    Gambar 1: (tertawa) Tolong jangan katakan lagi . Park Min Young bercanda, "tubuh Micky Yoochun sangat ramping." Di sebelahnya,, Yoochun sangat malu dan dia menyembunyikan wajahnya di meja.

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    Picture 2: Answering the question from reporters, “What were the most memorable lines you’ve had?”
    His answer: “Strip.”* Yoochun hides his face with embarrassment.

    Indo Translate:
    Gambar 2: Menjawab pertanyaan dari wartawan, "Apa yang mengesankan yang sudah kamu dapat?"
    jawabnya: "strip" * Yoochun menyembunyikan wajahnya karena malu.

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    Picture 3: The two cannot stop laughing, and cannot even control themselves, trying to snatch the microphone away from each other to speak first.

    T/N: This should be from the scene from “Beautiful Love” where Yonsu throws Hinata on the bed and says “脱げ” (Strip.)

    Indo Translate:

    Gambar 3: Keduanya tidak bisa berhenti tertawa, dan bahkan tidak dapat mengontrol diri mereka sendiri, berusaha merebut mikrofon dari satu sama lain untuk berbicara duluan.

    T / N: ini harus dari adegan dari "Beautiful Lofe" dimana Yonsu melempar Hinata di tempat tidur dan mengatakan "脱げ" (Strip.)

    Source: [Naver] + [baiduTVXQ]
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    [Pic] 100715 SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference part 4

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    [Vid] 100715 SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference

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    [Trans] 100715 Yoochun: “I Want To Try Living Another Life Through Acting.”

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    The 4 main characters from “SungKyunKwan Scandal,” which describes love, friendship, dreams and passions of SungKyunKwan Confucianists in the Chosun era, were revealed publicly. On 15 July, 1.30 pm, at Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, the “SungKyunKwan Scandal” set was opened to the public, and also present were TVXQ’s Yoochun (Micky – Park Yoochun), Park Min Young, Yoo Ah-In and Song Joong Ki.

    After breaking away from TVXQ and pausing all activities, this is the first time Yoochun has appeared in an official event, and he showed a bright side standing in front of the camera. Yoochun said, “I am happy that I am able to be part of “SungKyunKwan Scandal.” He is a calm person, it’s almost as if he won’t bleed even if you prick him, that’s the kind of character he is. However, he is a humane and charming character,” speaking about his take on the role.

    When asked about what he did during the time when activities were suspended, Yoochun said, that “I led a normal life, working hard on music, writing songs, and also practicing my acting skills. I also watched the movies that I couldn’t watch because I was busy, and went out with my family, enjoying a normal life.”

    Towards the challenge of acting, “When I was doing singing activities, the image of Micky Yoochun was always around. But if its acting, I can live many different lives through different roles. I want to try living other lives, ones that are not Micky Yoochun,” he said.

    For his future plans, “I’ll probably still be pursuing singing activities, after “SungKyunKwan Scandal” is over. I want to challenge a variety of music genres,” he revealed. The story of their boisterous life at SungKyunKwan, and how they grow up, this romantic youth drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” is scheduled to air on 30 August on KBS 2

    Indo Translate:

    The 4 karakter utama dari "SungKyunKwan Skandal," yang menggambarkan cinta, persahabatan, mimpi dan gairah dari SungKyunKwan Konghucu di era Chosun, terungkap publik. Pada tanggal 15 Juli, 01:30, di Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, tempat "SungKyunKwan Skandal" dibuka untuk publik, dan juga hadir adalah anggota TVXQ Yoochun (Micky - Park YooChun), Park Min Young, Yoo Ah-In dan Song Joong Ki.

    Setelah melepaskan diri dari TVXQ dan berhenti dari semua kegiatan, ini adalah pertama kalinya YooChun muncul dalam acara resmi, dan dia menunjukkan sisi lainnya di depan kamera. Yoochun berkata, "Saya senang bahwa saya dapat menjadi bagian dari" SungKyunKwan Skandal "Dia adalah orang yang tenang. Itu seolah-olah dia tidak akan berdarah bahkan jika Anda menusuk dia, itu karakter dia. Namun, ia adalah karakter manusiawi dan mempesona, "berbicara tentang nya mengambil peran.

    Ketika ditanya tentang apa yang dia lakukan selama aktivitas TVXQ dihentikan, Yoochun berkata, bahwa "Aku menjalani kehidupan normal, bekerja keras pada musik, menulis lagu, dan juga banyak berlatih untuk akting saya. Saya juga banyak menonton film-film yang tidak bisa ku nonton selama saya sibuk, dan pergi dengan keluarga saya, menikmati kehidupan normal."

    Tantangan untuk berakting," Ketika saya melakukan kegiatan menyanyi, gambar Micky YooChun selalu ada. Tapi kalau berakting, saya bisa menjalani kehidupan yang berbeda melalui peran yang berbeda. Saya ingin mencoba menjalani hidup yang lain, orang yang bukan Micky YooChun, "katanya.

    Untuk rencana masa depannya," Saya mungkin akan masih mengejar kegiatan menyanyi, setelah "SungKyunKwan Skandal" sudah selesai. Aku ingin menantang berbagai genre musik, "ungkapnya. Kisah kehidupan mereka di SungKyunKwan, dan bagaimana mereka tumbuh, ini adalah drama romantis pemuda. "Sungkyunkwan Skandal" dijadwalkan tayang pada tanggal 30 Agustus di KBS 2

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    [Trans] 100715 Micky Yoochun: “With Yunho And Changmin, We Still Get Along Like We Used To”

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    Micky Yoochun, member of the group TVXQ, said, “With U-know Yunho and Choikang Changmin, nothing has changed and we still get along like we used to in the past.”

    On 15 July, at the press conference held at Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, the filming location for KBS2′s drama [SungKyunKwan Scandal], Micky Yoochun said, “They were both busy (Yunho and Changmin) so we didn’t contact each other as much as expected” and “But after that (the lawsuit), our relationship didn’t change much.”

    Since the lawsuit for an injunction against their exclusive contracts with SM Entertainment was filed last year, this is the first time that Micky Yoochun made a solo public appearance.

    When asked how he passed his time then, Micky Yoochun said, “I spent it peacefully, learning music, composing, practicing acting and also went to watch movies.” Also, “As we were very busy, I never had the time to visit my parents so I made the decision to spend time with them.”

    Micky Yoochun, who made his acting debut in a mobile drama in June this year in Japan, will also greet Korean audience this autumn, not as a singer, but as an actor.

    Taking over [My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox], [SungKyunKwan Scandal] is set to air in September this year. Micky Yoochun will be playing Lee Seon Joon, who excels in all aspects – intelligence, wealth, looks – and is the only son of a rich family. A character who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, Lee Seon Joon develops a taboo love relationship with Kim Yeonhee, who cross-dresses in the drama, which makes it very difficult yet makes the drama interesting.

    With regards to why he expanded his activities to include acting, Micky Yoochun said, “I’ve always been interested in acting” and “compared to anything else, the reason why I really want to do it is because ever since I debuted as a singer, I’ve only had one image – Micky Yoochun – but as an actor, there are many other charms that I can show to the audience.”

    Youngwoong Jaejoong had continuously given his support to Micky Yoochun before he made his acting debut.

    Micky Yoochun laughed as he said, “Jaejoong-hyung told me this before the filming – ‘You should die once too’ and other things that encouraged me.” Jaejoong has already made his acting debut ahead of Micky Yoochun.

    Finally, Micky Yoochun said, “After such a long time, I’m really excited and moved to sit here and greet all of you. I will try hard. I want to show my best to everyone. I would really like it if through this drama, I can get an opportunity to show everyone a new side of me.”

    Indo Translate:

    Micky Yoochun, anggota grup TVXQ, mengatakan, "Dengan U-know Yunho dan Choikang Changmin, tidak ada yang berubah dan kita masih bisa bersama seperti dulu di masa lalu

    " Pada tanggal 15 Juli, pada konferensi pers yang diadakan di Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, lokasi syuting untuk drama KBS2[SungKyunKwan Skandal], Micky Yoochun berkata, "Mereka berdua sibuk (Yunho dan Changmin) jadi kita tidak saling berhubungan satu sama lain seperti yang diharapkan" dan "Tapi setelah itu ( gugatan), hubungan kami tidak banyak berubah.

    "Karena gugatan untuk perintah eksklusif mereka terhadap kontrak dengan SM diajukan tahun lalu, ini adalah pertama kalinya Micky YooChun tampil sendiri di hadapan publik.

    Ketika ditanya bagaimana ia melewati hari demi hari, Micky Yoochun berkata, "Aku menghabiskan itu dengan damai, belajar musik, menulis, berlatih berakting dan juga pergi menonton film" Juga. "Ketika kami sangat sibuk, saya tidak pernah punya waktu untuk mengunjungi orang tua saya, jadi saya membuat keputusan untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama mereka."

    Micky yoochun, yang membuat debut beraktingnya dalam drama mobile pada bulan Juni tahun ini di Jepang, juga akan menyapa penonton Korea musim gugur ini, bukan sebagai penyanyi, tapi sebagai aktor .

    diambil alih [My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox], [SungKyunKwan Skandal] akan tayang pada bulan September tahun ini. Micky Yoochun akan bermain sebagai Lee Seon Joon, yang unggul dalam segala aspek - kecerdasan, kekayaan, tampan - dan merupakan putra tunggal dari keluarga kaya. Karakter yang lahir dengan sendok emas di mulutnya, Lee Seon Joon mengembangkan hubungan cinta dengan Kim Yeonhee, yang dipasangkan dalam drama ini, yang membuatnya sangat sulit yang membuat drama menjadi menarik.

    Sehubungan dengan mengapa ia memperluas kegiatan untuk mulai berakting, Micky Yoochun berkata, "Aku selalu tertarik dalam berakting" dan "dibandingkan dengan hal lain, alasan mengapa saya benar-benar ingin melakukannya adalah karena sejak aku memulai debutnya sebagai penyanyi, aku hanya punya satu gambar - Micky Yoochun - tetapi sebagai seorang aktor, ada pesona lain yang saya dapat tunjukkan kepada penonton.

    "YoungWoong Jaejoong terus menerus memberikan dukungan untuk Micky YooChun sebelum debut aktingnya.

    Micky YooChun tertawa dan berkata, "Jaejoong-hyung mengatakan kepada saya sebelum ini - 'Anda harus mati sesekalijuga' dan hal-hal lain yang mendorong saya." Jaejoong sudah membuat debut aktingnya di depan Micky yoochun.

    Akhirnya, Micky Yoochun berkata, "Setelah begitu lama, saya sangat bersemangat dan pindah duduk di sini dan menyapa kalian semua. Aku akan berusaha keras. Aku ingin menunjukkan yang terbaik untuk semua orang. Aku benar-benar akan senang jika sudah melalui drama ini, saya bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menunjukkan semua sisi baru dari saya. "

    Source: [e-daily & baiduTVXQ]
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    [Pic] SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference –Part 3

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    [Pic] 100715 SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference part 2

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    [Pic] 100715 SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference

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