China Court: “TVXQ Has Nothing To Do With The Cosmetics Company Promotion”
SM Entertainment had attributed the main reason for the “TVXQ’s Lawsuit” to be the cosmetics investment business by some of the TVXQ’s members and used this reason as justification to propose a 2.2 billion won in damages from the 3 members.
The declaration that SM Entertainment had submitted to Seoul Central District Court on 14th April claimed that “Some TVXQ members had invested in a cosmetic company which resulted to be the beginning of the conflict. They have used TVXQ’s name and portrait without the company’s consent and that have violated the exclusive contract. However, they denied the effectiveness of the exclusive contract and proposed the disposition for the effectiveness of the termination of the exclusive contract”. During November last year, China Beijing Kowloon Station Century Culture Communication Co. Ltd* (Gao Jian Wen, Representative. Also known as Beijing Kowloon Station Inc.) had used “The fraud of Crebeau which is the collaboration between TVXQ’s 3 members and Korea Cosmetics Company, Wisyaplus had caused their damages” as the reason to apply for legal action for the damages compensation at the District Court. Recently, the cosmetics company, Wisyaplus announced that “Beijing Haidian District People’s Court rejected the Beijing Kowloon Station Inc’s claims” and revealed the China Court’s arbitration decision documents.
According to the open verdict, the court had rejected all the arbitration applications from the applicant (Beijing Kowloon Station Inc.) and the applicant will bear all the costs for the arbitration (38,470 yuan = 5,635 USD). TVXQ’s 3 members has nothing to do with the cosmetics company promotion and this was ultimately confirmed by the China Court. And SM Entertainment have been using the photos of the 3 members attending the investment seminars to suspect if the 3 members had directly or indirectly carry out promotional activities.
On the other hand, the cosmetic company’s representative, President Kang Suk-won had expressed towards the accusation of SM Entertainment attributing the main cause of the TVXQ’s lawsuit with the members’ cosmetics business that “The police investigation has already shown that the reason behind the TVXQ’s lawsuit has nothing to do with the cosmetics. However, SM Entertainment once again entangled with it. Therefore, our company will propose a reputation damage lawsuit again for the third time”.
President Kang Suk-won claimed that “The reasons why TVXQ’s 3 members had filed a lawsuit towards SM Entertainment are because of the unfair contractual relationship and unjust distribution of income distribution. This fact has been ruling in the injunction application and it was confirmed. However, such behaviour seems to have become a kind of inertia for SM Entertainment in order to rescue its company reputation”.
Wisyaplus had already filed the reputation damage and impede business lawsuit towards SM Entertainment twice in August and November last year. Seoul Gangnam Police Department investigation ended in February and make the decision of without detention and transfer investigation towards SM Entertainment representative, Kim Youngmin. At that point of time, the police had already made a judgement that “The lawsuit of ending the long term exclusive contracts requested by TVXQ’s 3 members had nothing to do with the cosmetics investment”.
*(T/N: This is the rough translation of the company name as I can’t find the English name for it)
[TRANS] 100416 Mahkamah Cina: "TVXQ Tidak melakukan Proomosi apapun Dengan Perusahaan Kosmetik"
SM Entertainment mengungkapkan alasan utama "Menggugat TVXQ" adalah karena bisnis investasi kosmetik oleh beberapa anggota TVXQ dan menggunakan alasan ini sebagai pembenaran untuk mengajukan 2,2 milyar won akibat gugatan dari 3 anggota.
Pernyataan itu telah disampaikan SM Entertainment kepada Pengadilan Negeri Central Seoul pada April 14 menyatakan bahwa "Beberapa anggota TVXQ telah diinvestasikan dalam sebuah perusahaan kosmetik yang mengakibatkan menjadi awal konflik. Mereka telah menggunakan nama TVXQ dan potret tanpa persetujuan perusahaan dan hal itu telah melanggar kontrak eksklusif. Namun, mereka membantah efektivitas kontrak eksklusif dan mengusulkan disposisi untuk efektivitas pemutusan kontrak eksklusif ". Selama bulan November tahun lalu, Cina Beijing Kowloon Komunikasi Stasiun Century Budaya Co Ltd * (Gao Jian Wen, Perwakilan. Juga dikenal sebagai Beijing Kowloon Station Inc) telah menggunakan "Sebuah penipuan dari Crebeau yang merupakan kolaborasi antara 3 anggota TVXQ dan hal itu penyebab Perusahaan Kosmetik Korea, Wisyaplus, telah merugi." sebagai alasan untuk mengajukan tindakan hukum untuk kompensasi kerugian di Pengadilan Negeri. Baru-baru ini, perusahaan kosmetik, Wisyaplus mengumumkan bahwa "Pengadilan Distrik Haidian Beijing Rakyat menolak klaim Beijing Kowloon Station Inc" dan mengungkapkan dokumen keputusan pengambilalihan Pengadilan Cina.
Menurut putusan terbuka, pengadilan telah menolak semua aplikasi pengambilalihan dari pihak pemohon (Beijing Kowloon Station Inc), dan pemohon akan menanggung seluruh biaya untuk pengambilalihan (38.470 yuan = 5.635 USD). 3 anggota tidak ada hubungannya dengan promosi perusahaan kosmetik dan ini akhirnya dikonfirmasikan oleh Pengadilan Cina. Dan SM Entertainment telah menggunakan foto-foto dari 3 anggota menghadiri seminar investasi untuk mencurigai jika 3 anggota telah secara langsung atau tidak langsung melakukan kegiatan promosi.
Di sisi lain, perwakilan perusahaan kosmetik itu, Presiden Kang Suk-won telah menyatakan terhadap tuduhan SM Entertainment menghubungkan penyebab utama gugatan TVXQ dengan bisnis kosmetik anggota bahwa "penyelidikan polisi telah menunjukkan bahwa alasan di balik gugatan TVXQ tidak ada hubungannya dengan kosmetik Namun, SM Entertainment sekali lagi melibatkan dengan itu. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan kami akan mengajukan gugatan merusak reputasi lagi untuk kali ketiga ".. (MAMPUS LO SME! HAHAHA)
Presiden Kang Suk-won mengklaim bahwa "Alasan mengapa 3 anggota telah mengajukan tuntutan hukum terhadap SM Entertainment adalah karena hubungan kontrak yang tidak adil dan distribusi yang tidak adil dari distribusi pendapatan Fakta ini telah berkuasa dalam aplikasi perintah dan terbukti.. Namun , perilaku seperti itu tampaknya telah menjadi semacam inersia untuk SM Entertainment untuk menyelamatkan reputasi perusahaannya ".
Wisyaplus sudah mengajukan kerusakan reputasi dan menghambat usaha terhadap gugatan SM Entertainment dua kali pada bulan Agustus dan November tahun lalu. Departemen Kepolisian investigasi Gangnam Seoul berakhir pada bulan Februari dan membuat keputusan tanpa penahanan dan penyelidikan terhadap transfer perwakilan SM Entertainment, Kim Youngmin (orang ini harusnya masuk nereka jahanam!). Pada titik waktu, polisi telah membuat keputusan yang "Bengakhirnya Gugatan kontrak eksklusif jangka panjang yang diminta oleh 3 anggota TVXQ yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan investasi kosmetik".
Source: DNBN + + vandyxu527 @
TVXQbaidubarTranslation: sicashinki @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Indo trans : ecca @ Fansclub Indonesia for XiahFeel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Info Trans] China Court: “TVXQ Has Nothing To Do With The Cosmetics Company Promotion”
[Info Trans] ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ Original Novel Experiences a Rapid Increase in Sales
[News] Thanks to The Popularity of Yoochun, ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ Original Novel Experiences a Rapid Increase in Sales
During Korea Publishers Conference on last 9th – 15th, Kyobobook, Youngpoong Bookstore, yes24, Interpark online and offline bookstores, and the rest 10 famous local bookstores announced their overall sales results and the 1st and 2nd volume ‘The Life of SungKyunKwan Students’ novel that was released July last year occupied current sales rank of 11th and 19th respectively.
The reason behind this rapid increase in sales is judged due to the influence of TVXQ member Yoochun whose group has been enjoying the tremendous popularity both in South Korea and Japan as well as the rest of Asia’s global music industry.
Meanwhile, currently ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ has finished its casting process and will begin the shooting on May 1st.
[NEWS] Terima kasih pada Popularitas Yoochun, Novel asli ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ mengalami peningkatan penjualan
Selama Konfersi Penerbit Korea pada 9 - 15, Kyobobook, Toko Buku Youngpoong, yes24, Interpark online dan toko buku offline, dan sisanya 10 toko buku lokal terkenal mengumumkan hasil penjualan mereka secara keseluruhan dan novel volume 1 dan 2 'Kehidupan Mahasiswa SungKyunKwan' yang dirilis Juli tahun lalu menduduki peringkat penjualan saat ini masing-masing 11 dan 19.
Alasan di balik ini peningkatan pesat dalam penjualan adalah karena pengaruh Yoochun anggota kelompok TVXQ yang telah menikmati popularitas yang luar biasa baik di Korea Selatan dan Jepang serta sisa industri musik global Asia.
Sementara itu, saat ini 'SungKyunKwan Scandal' telah selesai pada proses casting dan akan mulai shooting pada tanggal 1 Mei.
source: sisaseoul
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