2010/05/11 “MUSIC FAIR” Recording Ayako Fuji x MINMI x JUJU x XIAH Junsu x Minami Kizuki x Ikumi Kumagai
Junsu came back!
for Saturday next weekend
and for the weekend that follows,
May 22/29.
Recorded two programs for
the broadcast two weeks in a row!(few sentences omitted)
Starting here, 4 songs,
the live performance,
collaboration. (Lol)(few sentences omitted)
Junsu, Ayako Fuji, together with all the others, sang 2 songs.
The songs are
“No Woman, No Cry” of Bob Marley (today is his obit)
One more song, “ONE LOVE”.
Afterwards, there is a talk time with all the performers!(few sentences omitted)
source: Kikuchi P’s Blog & Tomo mama
translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Q: What were your thoughts when you received the offer to star in this Japanese TV drama?
- I have never acted before, plus having to speak in Japanese… Frankly speaking, I was really uneasy.Q: What left the deepest impression on you during the shooting of this drama?
- I didn’t have enough time to practice as the shooting for the drama took place immediately. Every day after the shooting was done, I would spend countless hours in my room with my manager, going through the script and preparing myself for the next day. There was almost no time to sleep and I often asked myself if I could do this well. Because I felt anxiety and the pressure of doing well, I couldn’t sleep well too. Even though I was forced to eat, I had no appetite, so it was really hard! However, the moment the shooting took place, I enjoyed it. It feels really good to be able to experience a life that’s not my own. Even though the shooting has only taken place for a week, I’ve had a lot of inspirational and moving moments.Q: You’re playing the character of Youngsu a young man who comes from an extremely wealthy background and displays a strong attitude towards anyone. This is not a very good character trait. Is it very different from your own character?
- Even though Youngsu may seem to be a person who is fulfilled or satisfied in every way, he is actually rather lonely. From a moral point of view, he does not seem to know what is important. Though I am different from Youngsu, I understand how he feels. Just like what Hinata told Youngsu, now that I have a crew who treats me like family and supporters who like me, I feel blessed.
credit: poplez
The 4th Musical Awards homepage is now open.
Hello, everyone! The Musical Awards which was established in 2007 is now celebrating its 4th year. The 4th Musical Awards will take place on the 7th of June 2010 at the Sejong Cultural Hall Theatre and till then, we will work hard to make it even more extraordinary. Without everyone’s love and interest, this awards ceremony will be meaningless. We are aiming to make this festival grand for the Korean musical officials and the performers/actors, so I ask for your encouragement and interest. Thank you.
- The Musical Awards Executive Office -
Date: June 07, 2010
Location: Sejong Cultural Hall Theatre
Time: 20:00~22:00
Indo Translate:
Homepage Penghargaan Musik ke-4 telah di buka,.
TVXQ’s Xiah Junsu, Youngwoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, and SM Entertainment have disregarded the court judge’s strong advice for a settlement, and have once again maintained their stand that it is impossible to come to a compromise. No amount of persuasion from the Court of Arbitration will change the possibility of a split-up amongst TVXQ.
In reference to the Seoul Central District Court’s decision on the 7th of May to proceed with the sequestration of the existence of the exclusive contract, Judge Choi Sung Joon, who was presiding over the first public trial, strongly advised the legal representative of the TVXQ trio, saying that “[O]nce the contract is changed, the five members can be active again.” Judge Choi then went on to advise the legal representative of SM to “[hopefully] develop a new form of contract that will include a more significant cut-down on the number of years amongst other adjustments.”
Sejong, the legal representative of the TVXQ trio, who had previously stated that “the three members will never be able to work with SM again,” also took a step back, stating “if the new exclusive contract is sincere, we will confirm the opinions of the three members.” SM’s side then expressed that they will “hold an internal discussion [regarding the possibility of a new form of contract].”
Unfortunately, both sides have come to a conclusion that a settlement is not possible. A close friend of the TVXQ trio said that “while the three members want for all five members to carry out activities together, working with SM is definitely not possible.” SM’s side also expressed that “while adjustments to the terms of the contracts can be made, all five members must still be managed under SM.”
Meanwhile, the litigation regarding the request of damages put forward by both SM Entertainment and the TVXQ trio will be determined in the later proceedings.
Indo Translate:
Anggota TVXQ Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, dan SM Entertainment telah mengabaikan nasihat yang kuat dari hakim pengadilan untuk penyelesaian masalah mereka, dan sekali lagi mereka tetap mempertahankan bahwa tidak mungkin untuk datang ber kompromi. Tidak ada jumlah persuasi dari Pengadilan Arbitrasi akan mengubah kemungkinan perpecahan di antara TVXQ.
Dalam referensi ke Pengadilan Negeri Seoul Central keputusan pada 7 Mei untuk melanjutkan dengan karantina adanya kontrak eksklusif, Hakim Choi Sung Joon, yang memimpin sidang umum pertama, sangat menyarankan perwakilan hukum dari trio TVXQ, mengatakan bahwa "sekali kontrak diubah, lima anggota dapat aktif kembali" Hakim Choi kemudian pergi ke menasihati penasihat hukum SM kepada [semoga] pengembangan bentuk kontrak baru yang akan disertakan lebih signifikan dibandingkan pada jumlah tahun penyesuaian lainnya.Sejong, perwakilan hukum dari trio TVXQ, yang sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa "tiga anggota tidak akan bisa bekerja dengan SM lagi," juga mundur selangkah, menyatakan "jika kontrak eksklusif baru tulus, kami akan mengkonfirmasi pendapat dari tiga anggota. pihak SM "kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa mereka akan" mengadakan diskusi internal [mengenai kemungkinan bentuk kontrak baru]".
Sayangnya, kedua belah pihak sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa penyelesaiannya tidak mungkin. Seorang teman dekat dari trio TVXQ mengatakan bahwa "sementara tiga anggota inginkan untuk semua lima anggota untuk melaksanakan kegiatan bersama, bekerja dengan SM jelas tidak mungkin" Pihak SM Juga mengungkapkan bahwa "sementara penyesuaian dengan persyaratan kontrak dapat dibuat, lima anggota tetap harus dikelola di bawah naungan SM".
Sementara itu, litigasi itu mengenai permintaan yang diajukan oleh kerugian baik SM Entertainment dan trio TVXQ akan ditentukan dalam proses nanti.source: JoongAng Ilbo China
translation: kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
“I believe Jejung will make great achievements in Japan as an actor.”
Famous Japanese screen writer Kitagawa Eriko expressed that she will be looking forward to Jejung’s activities in Japan and believes he has a bright future.
Kitagawa Eriko, who directed the film ‘Halfway’, sent a letter on April 29 back in the country, referring to the release of her film, and also mentions Jejung’s activities in Japan. The letter stated, “I’m really happy to finalize the release [of 'Halfway'] in Korea. ‘Heaven’s Postman’ will be coming out soon in Japan, too. In the TV series ‘Sunao ni Narenakute’ which began airing in April, Jejung plays an important role.”
“Teamwork that’s crossing borders, and working together in any kind of way was really fun, and this makes me very happy.” The letter also mentioned, “I hope that through this drama, Jejung will gain more popularity.” She also said, “I like a lot of Korean films. Even though I am very nervous about ‘Halfway,’ I still hope to get the audience’s approval. Everyone please support it.”
In addition, Kitagawa Eriko is the screen writer of ‘Heaven Postman,’ and she is very popular in Japan.
Indo Translate:
"Saya percaya Jejung akan membuat prestasi besar di Jepang sebagai seorang aktor.
penulis terkenal jepang Kitagawa Eriko menyatakan bahwa ia akan melihat Jejung untuk kegiatan di Jepang dan percaya bahwa dia telah mendapatkan masa depan yang cerah di jepang.
Kitagawa Eriko, yang mengarahkan film 'Halfway ', mengirimkan surat pada 29 April setelah kembali ke negaranya, mengacu untuk merilis film, dan juga menyebutkan kegiatan Jejung di Jepang. Surat itu mengatakan, "Saya sangat senang untuk menyelesaikan ['merilis '] 'Halfway' di Korea. 'Heaven's Postman' akan segera keluar di Jepang juga. Dalam serial TV "Sunao Ni Narenakute" yang mulai ditayangkan pada bulan April, Jejung memainkan peranan penting,.
" Kerjasama yang terlihat tidak ada batasannya dan bekerja bersama dalam segala macam cara sungguh benar-benar sangat menyenangkan, dan ini membuat saya sangat senang. "Surat tersebut juga menyebutkan, "Saya berharap bahwa melalui drama ini, Jejung akan mendapatkan popularitas lebih" Dia juga berkata., "Aku suka banyak film Korea. Meskipun saya sangat gugup tentang 'Halfway, "aku masih berharap untuk mendapatkan persetujuan penonton. Semuanya berilah dukungannya.
"Kitagawa Eriko adalah penulis layar lebar 'Heaven Postman,' dan dia sangat populer di Jepang.source: Joynews24 + baidutvxq
translation: ChunnieHoney @ OneTVXQ.com
special thanks: ♥러빙유 @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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Brought to you by: Tips Blogger Zacky