The three members JeJung, YuChun, and JunSu of the popular Korean group Tohoshinki, as a new unit, held the last performance of their Dome Tour in Tokyo Dome on the 13th. Standing on the glamorous stage that costs 1.2 billion yen, they sang a total of 18 songs which include 4 new songs such as “Itsudatte Kimi ni” etc. The trio became one with the 54,000 audience members and were moved to tears. JeJung said out loud, “We want to continue singing with our pure emotions. Please keep supporting us forever.”
Indo Translate:
Tiga anggota grup terkenal korea Tohoshnki Jejung, Yuchun, dan JunSu , sebagai unit baru, diadakan perfomance terakhir mereka di Tokyo Dome Tour Dome pada tanggal 13 juni. Berdiri di panggung glamor dengan biaya ¥ 12juta yen, mereka menyanyikan total 18 lagu yang terdiri dari 4 lagu baru seperti "ni Kimi Itsudatte" ketiganya menjadi satu dengan 54.000 penonton sampai berlimag air mata. Jejung berkata dengan suara keras, "Kami ingin terus bernyanyi dengan emosi murni kami. Harap tetap mendukung kai selamanya. "Tokyo Dome was dyed with the red color of Tohoshinki. JeJung said with a delighted voice, “Although there are only 3 of us on stage…. The concert’s time is nothing compared to the time that you’ve been waiting for us; but just by being able to see your smiles, this concert has become meaningful,” and being overwhelmed with emotions, he broke into tears.
“Honestly, standing on this stage feels like a dream. We will keep doing our best not to lose to the love you have for us,” JunSu said and lowered his head. In the end, they started to enthusiastically their new song “W” while wiping away their tears many times. At that moment, the scene of enthusiastic singing has turned into the scene where everyone was crying and sobbing together.
Indo Translate:
Tokyo Dome yang di penuhi dengan warna merah Tohoshinki. Jejung berkata dengan suara senang, "Walaupun hanya ada 3 dari kami di panggung .... keberlangsungan konser ini tidak seberapa dibandingkan dengan waktu yang Anda tunggu-tunggu untuk kami, tetapi hanya dengan bisa melihat senyum kalian, konser ini telah menjadi bermakna", dan dengan emosi kewalahan, ia berbicara sambil menangis
"seSungguhya, berdiri seperti ini terasa seperti mimpi. Kami akan tetap melakukan yang terbaik tidak kalah dengan cinta yang kalian berikan bagi kami, "kata JunSu dan menunduk. Pada akhirnya, mereka mulai antusiaskan lagu baru mereka "W" sambil menyeka air mata mereka berkali-kali. Pada saat itu, tempat bernyanyi antusias telah berubah menjadi adegan dimana semua orang menangis dan menangis bersama.
The three people will jump out of 3D posters soon.
The release of Limited edition items JUNSU / JEJUNG / YUCHUN 3D Poster is determined!
■ Sales Period
June 15 (Tuesday) 12:00 – July 05 (Mon) 23:59
■ Delivery
Since end of August 2010 will be gradually shipped
■ Prices
3,500 yen (tax included)
※ non including shipping and transfer fee. Shipping and transfer price is approx 800 yen in total
■ Dimensions
A2 sized (W594 × H420 mm)
■ Limit
1 application only for 3 items
▼Sign up
Indo Translate:
JUNSU / JEJUNG / YUCHUN dekatkah denganmu!
Ketiganya akan menluncurkan poster 3Dnya segera.
Rilis Edisinya Terbatas Poster JUNSU / JEJUNG / YUCHUN 3D telah ditentukan!
■ Penjualan Periode
15Juni (Selasa) 00:00 - 5 July (Senin) 23:59
■ Pengiriman
Sejak akhir Agustus 2010 akan dikirim secara bertahap
¥ 3.500 (termasuk pajak)
※ non termasuk pengiriman dan biaya transfer. Pengiriman dan harga transfer sekitar ¥ 800
■ Dimensi ukuran A2 (W594 × H420 mm)
■ Batas 1 aplikasi hanya 3 item
▼ Mendaftar
source: eplus.jp
trans: ips0101
I will be meeting everyone again with a different style.
Please support me!
How was my first drama?
Please enjoy “heading to the ground”!
Indo Translate:
Aku akan menemui kalian lagi dengan gaya yang berbeda.
Terus dukunglah aku!
Bagaimana dengan drama pertamaku?
Nikmatilah "Heading to The Ground"source: yoonhostar
trans by: ips0101
2010/06/13 “Bokurano Ongaku” and others. I went to JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN THNAKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME
(few sentences omitted)
In the evening,
I went to the Tokyo dome.
I was looking forward to the event very much!
I was also impressed by their tears in the last part.
I met Yoochun after the performance.
He was a little bit wild-looking (lol).
I haven’t seen him for a long while.
It was a long time since I’d seen Jaejoong singing, too.
I saw the 3 members in their relaxed fashion (lol).
I will look forward to the summer day,
when we can work together again!Indo Translate:
Pada malam hari,
saya pergi ke Tokyo Dome!.
Aku sangat berharap melihat acaranya
aku juga terkesan dengan air mata mereka di bagian akhir acara
Aku bertemu YooChun setelah pertunjukan.
Dia sedang mencari sesuatu (lol).
Aku tidak melihat dia untuk sementara waktu.
Ini juga waktu yang lama sejak aku melihat Jaejoong bernyanyi.
aku melihat 3 anggota dalam mode santai mereka (lol).
Aku akan menanti-nantikan hari musim panas,
ketika kita bisa bekerja sama lagi!
source: Kikuchi P’s Blog
translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Brought to you by: Tips Blogger Zacky