Finally on September 16th, the soundtrack album of ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ was officially released through various on line sites and off line music stores.
Commonly, a drama soundtrack will be released to public before and right after the drama begins, however in the increasingly popular KBS2 drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ case, the full album release has just been out within 3 weeks broadcast of the drama itself, thus considered to be unusual.
Moreover, considering that ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ is the official debut drama of Micky Yoochun (Park Yoochun), and to see how after it’s known that Xiah Junsu and Youngwoong Jaejoong were to participate in the soundtrack, there’s been a huge expectations and interests among fans as this issue is topped various search sites every day, it should be just natural that a soundtrack album is going to release right away.
In fact, according to ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ production company, Raemongraein, the original schedule of the soundtrack album release was on August 30th through offline stores, at the same time of the first broadcast of the drama, however the plan was held back in the end. The reason was despite the many distribution companies that showed interest on the soundtrack before ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ airing, they later raised concerns about the disadvantages of this project and as the anxiety continued, a lot of them gave up the plan to distribute the album.
The production company seek multifaceted solution to resolve this problem later on and they decided to contact international labels rather than domestic labels, in the end after painstaking efforts, the album is finally released in agreement with Warner Music Korea. Warner Music Korea official said that they would do their utmost effort to distribute the good quality soundtrack album smoothly.
‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ Raemongraein production company, Lee Hyun Wook PD said, “The soundtrack album contains song ‘Chajada’ in which Yoochun, Junsu, and Jaejoong performed together as well as Jaejoong and Junsu’s solo track which we know a lot of fans have highly anticipated. In order to provide a well-produced drama and soundtrack, the production company had worked very hard and put our mind and soul in it,”
“However, for some reasons both domestic on line sites and retailers turned back from distributing the album, that made us to seek many ways to resolve the problem and throughout meeting with Warner Music Korea, we’re able to join in agreement.” he continued, “I want to sincerely thank all fans who have been waiting for a long time, please also give a lot of interest and love to ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ soundtrack album.”
Meanwhile, KBS 2TV drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ soundtrack album that is officially released today on the 16th contains song performed by Yoochun – Junsu – Jaejoong ‘Chajada’ as well as other 13 songs and is expected to chase the popularity of the drama itself.
Indo Translate:Akhirnya pada 16 September, soundtrack album 'Sungkyunkwan Skandal' secara resmi dirilis melalui berbagai situs online dan toko2 musik.
[News] 100916 Sungkyunkwan Scandal Soundtrack Release, Following the Popularity of ‘Chajada’ Junsu and Jaejoong Solo Track
It has been found that the TVXQ trio (consisting of Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun) already knew beforehand of Avex’s decision to halt JYJ’s activities in Japan.
Through JYJ’s homepage, Avex announced that “Avex will be stopping JYJ’s Japanese activities for the time being.”
Regarding this, JYJ’s spokesperson Prain stated that, “We were already aware of JYJ’s Japanese agency Avex’s decision.”
Following this, they added that, “We are currently discussing the finer details,” and “We will be releasing an official statement tomorrow morning.”
Prain also stated, “This will have no effect on the trio’s new album that will be released mid-October.”
Indo Translate:Telah ditemukan bahwa trio TVXQ (terdiri dari Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong dan Micky YooChun) sudah tahu terlebih dahulu keputusan Avex untuk menghentikan kegiatan-kegiatan JYJ di Jepang,.
Melalui homepage JYJ Avex mengumumkan bahwa "Avex akan menghentikan kegiatan mereka dalam jangka waktu tertentu.
"Mengenai ini, juru bicara Prain JYJ menyatakan bahwa," Kami sudah menyadari keputusan Avex tentang JYJ di jepang.
"Setelah ini, mereka menambahkan bahwa," Kami sedang membahas perincian yang lebih bagus, "dan" Kami akan merilis sebuah pernyataan resmi besok pagi. "
Prain juga menyatakan," Ini akan tidak berpengaruh pada album baru ketiganya yang akan dirilis pertengahan Oktober. "
Source: [frontier times+Yuaerubi]
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[Trans] 100916 Tohoshinki Trio Halts Activities in Japan
Avex announced on 16 September that Tohoshinki members Jejung, Yuchun and Junsu’s Japanese activities with be suspended until further notice.
Avex expressed that the management company the trio’s management company and legal representative in Korea, C.JeS, has been found guilty of, and sentenced to prison on charges of coercion. As the trio’s lawsuit in Korea with regards to the exclusive contract is still pending, the chances that the exclusive contract is invalid has increased.
Avex stated that until these issues are resolved, they have decided not to continue with the management of the artists’ activities in Japan. The trio, for the time being, have decided to halt all activities.
T/N: We are currently trying to verify this piece of news with our Korean translator.
Indo Translate:Avex mengumumkan pada tanggal 16 September bahwa anggota Tohoshinki Jejung, Yuchun dan JunSu akan menghentikan kegiatan mereka sementara di jepang sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut.
Avex menyatakan bahwa perusahaan manajemen ketiganya dan perwakilan hukum di Korea, C. Jes, telah dinyatakan bersalah, dan dihukum penjara atas tuduhan pemaksaan. Sebagai gugatan ketiganyaberkaitan dengan kontrak eksklusif masih tertunda di korea, kemungkinan bahwa kontrak eksklusif mereka yang tidak valid.
Avex menyatakan bahwa sampai masalah ini diselesaikan, mereka telah memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan pengelolaan kegiatan ketiganya di Jepang. Dan ketiganya untuk saat ini, telah memutuskan untuk menghentikan semua kegiatan.
T/N: Kami sedang mencoba untuk memverifikasi berita ini dengan penerjemah Korea kami.
Source: [Sanspo]
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[Trans] 100916 Avex Staff – Shigeo’s Twitter
Earlier, I tried sending a mail to Jejung, “Are you okay? See you
soon~”, and then a reply came! “I want to meet everyone.” How these
words are filled with emotion!! As expected, I will believe, and wait.
These feelings didn’t change, and will not change. Every one, thank
Indo Translate:Akhir2 ini, aku sangat lelah mengirim pesan untuk jaejoong,"Apa Kamu Baik2 Saja? Sampai Jumpa~", and ia segera menjawab!" Aku ingin sekali bertemu kalian semua." Bagaimana kata-kata ini penuh dengan emosi! Seperti yang diharapkan, saya akan percaya, dan menunggu. Perasaan ini tidak berubah, dan tidak akan berubah. Pada semuanya, terima kasih!
Source: [Shigeo’s Twitter]
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