Popular model Yano Mikako denies “crossing arms date” with Tohoshinki Jaejoong on her blog.
On a women magazine which was sold on the 18th, the model she got a “crossing arms date” scandal with Tohoshinki Jaejoong, Yano Mikako denied it on her own blog on the 19th. She wrote “As I heard it I was confused… nothing like that happened so everyone, please don’t worry”.
On the 17th Yano reported she was heading to Hawaii and about this incident she said “I heard this from my agent and I was so surprised!” and couldn’t hide her surprise. “There was the time difference so it got late to say it with my own words. I’m sorry I was late, and I made everyone worried. I appreciate the blog for being to tell what you need to say whenever, and wherever”. Yano is currently working on a fashion magazine “non-no”.
Indo Translate:
Model terkenal Yano Mikako menyangkal "kencan bergandengan tangan" dengan Jaejoong Tohoshinki di blog-nya.
Di sebuah majalah wanita yang dijual pada tanggal 18, model ini dia mendapat skandal sedang "bergandengan tangan" dengan Jaejoong Tohoshinki , Yano Mikako menyangkal dirinya sendiri blog pada 19. Dia menulis "Ketika saya mendengar itu aku bingung ... tidak seperti yang dikatakan banyak orang, jangan khawatir"
Dan pada tanggal 17 seorang reprter menyebutken bahwa Yano sedang menuju ke Hawaii dan tentang kejadian ini dia berkata "Aku mendengar ini dari agent saya dan saya begitu terkejut "dan tidak bisa menyembunyikan rasa terkejutnya. "Ada perbedaan waktu sehingga sampai terlambat untuk mengatakannya. Maaf aku terlambat, dan aku membuat semua orang khawatir. Saya menghargai blognya karena menceritakan apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengatakan kapan, dan dimanapun ". Yano saat ini bekerja di sebuah majalah mode "non-no".
source: oricon.co.jp
[Info Trans] Yano Mikako denies “crossing arms date” with Tohoshinki Jaejoong on her blog
[Pic] Junsu in ViVi Magazine July Issue
[News] Dong Bang Shin Ki trio’s new group name ‘J.Y.J’?
Ahead of their Japanese fanmeeting concert coming June, it is known that Dong Bang Shin Ki Xiah JunSu, Micky YooChun and Hero JaeJoong will promote under the nickname of ‘J.Y.J’.
Previously an official announcement came that the group will discontinue their activities as Dong Bang Shin Ki after the 3 members’ discord with their agency SM Entertainment. And coming 5th June, the 3 members will hold a large scale fanmeeting concert in Tokyo Dome, and they will be holding the concert as ‘J.Y.J’ made up of the initials of each of the members.
A representative of the 3 members revealed on 19th May, “Ahead of their event, AVEX has decided to go with ‘J.Y.J’ for the logo for the concert. Even though they will promote as J.Y.J for the concert, it is not their confirmed group name. We will not know the group name until AVEX releases an official announcement.”
Meanwhile, there will be 4 fanmeeting concert performances for their upcoming event. For more information: here
wakil dari 3 anggota engungapkan pada 19 Mei, "Menjelang acara mereka, Avex telah memutuskan untuk nama 'JYJ' sebagai logo konser mereka. Meskipun mereka akan mempromosikan diri sebagai JYJ untuk konser, ini bukan nama grup yag diknfirmasikan untuk mereka. Kita tidak akan tahu nama grupnya sampai Avex memberikan pengumuman resmi.
Sementara itu. ", Akan ada 4 pertunjukan fanmeeting untuk acara konser mereka mendatang. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut disini.source: JoongAng + K bites
shared by: sharingyoochun.net
[Info Trans] NHK MJ Backstage Story
May 19 (Wed), 2010/05/20
Jaejoong came to cheer Junsu……This Monday, XIAH junsu performed in MJ’s program, which was filmed in front of the live audience at NHK Hall.
It has been a long time since his last apprearance in Kouhaku.
He passionately sung his solo song with the dancers.
Thank you for all of you who came to support him at the hall.
For those who could not come, please look forward to the broadcast.Oh, Jaejoong came to cheer on Junsu before the performance.
Indo Translate:
The two were having fun making believe that “The junior fellow Jaejoong is taking care of the senior Junsu”.
Jaejoong was playing the role of the assistant stylist, and he was dangling packing tape and vinyl tape from his waist. He was continuously playing around Junsu, handing him towels and drinks.
Jaejoong datang untuk mendukung JunSu ... ...
Senin ini, Junsu Xiah Perform dalam acara MJ, yang difilmkan di depan penonton yang tinggal di NHK Hall..
Sudah sangat lama sejak pertunjukannya di Kouhaku. la menyanyikan lagu solonya dengan para penari. Terima kasih untuk kalian semua yang datang untuk mendukungnya di aula,. Bagi mereka yang tidak bisa datang silahkan melihatnya setelah disiarkan.
Oh, Jaejoong datang untuk menghibur Junsu sebelum pertunjukan dimulai. Keduanya bersenang-senang membuat ku percaya bahwa "junior Jaejoong itu mengurus Junsu senior" Jaejoong memainkan peran sebagai asisten stylist., dan ia menggatungkan packing tape dan tape vinyl di pinggangnya. Dia terus berada di samping Junsu sambil menyerahkan handuk dan minuman.
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Info Trans] Changmin signature for simnsim
“To Prince Shim Changmin,
Everyone Take Care (be healthy)”
source: simnsim
trans by: sharingyoochun.net
[Video] Stalking Yunho in Hongkong
credit: mxcqhk
[Video] Yunho at Incheon Airport
credit: haruka51915
[Inf0 Trans] SM’s Application To “Enhance” “Dong Bang Shin Ki” As A Trademark Has Been Withdrawn
SM, the company which manages DBSK, has been informed about its withdrawal regarding its trademark application for the name “Dong Bang Shin Ki”.
SM, who had applied for the trademark application for “DBSK” to the Patent Office in August last year, later withdrew their application towards the end of the year.
A SM spokesperson cleared the issue with Newsen on the 19th over the phone, stating that “it is a fact that we withdrew the trademark application for the name “DBSK” late last year” and “[we hereby also] announce that the enhanced document is also withdrawn.”.
While the trademark application is currently cancelled, one cannot rule out the possibility that SM might once again apply for the enhancement of the trademark name of “DBSK”..
Indo Translate:
SM, perusahaan yang mengelola DBSK, telah memberitahu tentang pengunduran diri tentang aplikasi merek dagang untuk nama "Dong Bang Shin Ki",.
SM yang telah menerapkan aplikasi merek dagang untuk "DBSK" kepada Kantor Hak Paten pada bulan Agustus tahun lalu, kemudian menarik aplikasi mereka menjelang akhir tahun.
Seorang juru bicara SM membereskan masalah dengan Newsen pada tanggal 19 melalui telepon, menyatakan bahwa "ini adalah kenyataan bahwa kita menarik aplikasi merek dagang untuk nama" DBSK "akhir tahun lalu" dan "[kami dengan ini juga] mengumumkan bahwa dokumen lainnya juga dicabut.."
Sementara aplikasi merek dagang saat ini dibatalkan, orang tidak dapat menutup kemungkinan bahwa SM mungkin sekali lagi mengajukan permohonan untuk peningkatan nama merek dagang dari "DBSK".source: Newsen + baiduTVXQ
translation: kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Pic] Yoochun at Gimpo airport

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Mei 20
- [Info Trans] Yano Mikako denies “crossing arms da...
- [Pic] Junsu in ViVi Magazine July Issue
- [News] Dong Bang Shin Ki trio’s new group name ‘J...
- [Info Trans] NHK MJ Backstage Story
- [Info Trans] Changmin signature for simnsim
- [Video] Stalking Yunho in Hongkong
- [Video] Yunho at Incheon Airport
- [Inf0 Trans] SM’s Application To “Enhance” “Dong B...
- [Pic] Yoochun at Gimpo airport
Mei 20