credit: okimiyu33
[Vid] Lotte Duty Free – So I’m loving you Jap version
[Trans] 100618 Tohomobile Staff Blog
He was at “XIAH” Release Event~☆ Snapshot of XIAH junsu in front of his dressing room’s panel!
Since he was very close to the fans, it seems like he was embarrassed, but he said that thanks to the passionate support of fans, he was very very happy! ♪
Indo Translate:
Dia berada di acara rlilis "Xiah" ~ ☆ Potret Xiah Junsu di depan ruang ganti!
Karena ia sangat dekat dengan para fans, sepertinya dia malu, tapi ia mengatakan bahwa berkat dukungan penuh semangat para penggemar, dia sangat senang! ♪
Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Trans] JunSu, JeJung, YuChun Attract Over 200,000 Accesses from 24 Countries in 2 Days
JunSu, JeJung and YuChun, the members of Tohoshinki whose activities have been stopped indefinitely, have received great reactions from fans all around the world with their digest video.
The digest video screening of “JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME” was shown on MySpace on 6/16 and 6/17 has made a record for attracting about 200,000 viewers in just two days. On the social streaming site, many tweeted about their passionate feelings and supports in their own languages. The viewers are from 24 countries, which include US, UK, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Russia, Belgium, Romania, Macedonia, Lithuania, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Australia, China, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan.
Viewers of the digest video tweeted, “The trio’s harmony is really fresh,” “It’s unbearable to watch JeJung’s Japanese message,” and “I’ll definitely watch this again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow too!”, and it seems like many of them also cried.
This video screening is to convey the feelings of the trio to the fans who want to see their Dome performance again, and to those who didn’t have a chance to come to their performance. The screening will be continued for the next three days only, so please do not miss them.
JunSu, JeJung, YuChun’s “Dome Digest Movie” Screening Schedule (JST):
6/18 (Fri) 21:00~
6/19 (Sat) 13:00~, 21:00~
6/20 (Sun) 13:00~, 21:00~
T/N: You can read the translation of the video here.Indo Translate:
JunSu, Jejung dan Yuchun, anggota Tohoshinki yang kegiatannya telah dihentikan tanpa batas waktu, telah menerima reaksi yang besar dari penggemar di seluruh dunia dengan mereka rekaman video mereka.
Pemutaran video pada “JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME” yang ditampilkan di MySpace pada 16/06 dan 17/06 telah membuat catatan menarik sekitar 200.000 pemirsa hanya dalam waktu dua hari. Di situs streaming sosial, banyak tweeted tentang perasaan gairah mereka dan banyak pul dukungan dalam bahasa mereka sendiri. Para penonton berasal dari 24 negara, termasuk Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Jerman, Spanyol, Belanda, Perancis, Rusia, Belgia, Romania, Macedonia, Lithuania, Brazil, Argentina, Meksiko, Chile, Australia, Cina, Korea, Filipina, Singapura , Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Jepang.
Penonton dari pemutaran video tweeted, "harmoni ketiganya benar-benar sangat segar," "yang lebih tidak tertahankan adalah melihat pesan jaejoong dalam bahasa jepang," dan "Saya pasti akan menonton besok lagi dan besok lusa juga",! Dan sepertinya banyak dari mereka yang juga menangis.
video screening ini untuk menyampaikan perasaan ketiganya kepada fans yang ingin melihat perfomance mereka lagi, dan bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk datang ke pertunjukan mereka. screenngnya akan dilanjutkan hanya untuk 3 hari saja, jadi jangan sampai kelewatan.
Jadwal Pemutaran "Dome Digest Movie"nya JunSu Jejung, Yuchun
6/18 (Jum) 21:00~
6/19 (Sab) 13:00~, 21:00~
6/20 (Ming) 13:00~, 21:00~
T/N: Klo Kamu nga bisa baca translate vd nya klik disini.
Source: BARKS
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
[Pic] 100618 Changmin for System
[Trans] 100617 Final Approval For Verdict On SM Town Concert Compensation
SM Entertainment must pay an additional 10% of the ticket price as compensation for indefinitely postponing its concert from last year.
On the 17th, Chairman Kim Hak Geun of the Consumer Dispute Arbitration Committee stated, “The verdict of paying an additional 10% of the ticket price, along with a full refund, as compensation for the indefinite postponement of the ‘SM TOWN LIVE ’09 Concert’ has been given its final approval.”
Therefore, the 792 consumers who filed this complaint can now receive an additional 10% of the ticket price as compensation from SM Entertainment and Dream Maker Entercom. The money will be distributed by Dream Maker from the 21st.
The Consumer Dispute Arbitration Committee is also allowing consumers who could not participate in the legal dispute to receive compensation as well and they may do so by submitting a Compensation report to the companies in question.
When a verdict from the committee receives its final approval, it holds equal validity as a judicial decision. If the set verdict is not carried out by the defendant, the Seoul District Courts have the power to force the action to occur.
The full ticket price of the ‘SM TOWN LIVE ’09 Concert’ has already been refunded to all ticket buyers by SM Entertainment and Dream Maker Entercom.Indo Translate:
SM Entertainment harus membayar tambahan 10% dari harga tiket sebagai kompensasi untuk penundaan tanpa batas waktu konser tahun lalu.
Pada tanggal 17, Ketua Geun Kim Dari konsumen Hak Sengketa Arbitrase Komite menyatakan, "Putusan membayar 10% lagi dari harga tiket, bersama dengan pengembalian dana penuh, sebagai kompensasi atas penundaan tanpa batas dari 'SM TOWN LIVE '09 Konser' telah memberikan persetujuan akhir yang."
dengan demikian 792 konsumen yang mengajukan keluhan ini sekarang bisa menerima 10% tambahan harga tiket sebagai kompensasi dari SM Entertainment dan Dream Maker Entercom. Uang itu akan didistribusikan oleh Dream Maker dari ke-21.
Para KOnsumen mengajukan Arbitrase Sengketa Komite juga memungkinkan konsumen yang tidak bisa berpartisipasi dalam sengketa hukum untuk menerima kompensasi dengan baik dan mereka dapat melakukannya dengan mengirimkan Kompensasilaporan kepada perusahaan berupa pertanyaan.
Ketika sebuah keputusan dari komite menerima persetujuan akhir, ia memiliki validitas yang sama dengan keputusan peradilan. Jika divonis tidak dilaksanakan oleh terdakwa, Pengadilan Distrik Seoul memiliki kekuatan untuk memaksa aksi keras.
Harga tiket penuh 'SM TOWN LIVE '09 Konser' telah dikembalikan ke semua pembeli tiket oleh SM Entertainment and Dream Maker Entercom.
Source: [tvdaily+Yuaerubi]
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[Vid] 100617 Sunao Ni Narenakute EP 10
With Eng Subcredit: AngelDBSK2
[Pic] Yoochun’s Cyworld Update
He changed his DP pic into his room
wah Apa bener Yah Itu room nya Chunnie (^_^)
credit: YC CY
shared by: ips0101
[Trans] Yunho’s Message for Kharisma’s 3rd Anniversary
To Kharisma
Happy 3rd anniversary.
Even when time falls, I will try not to lose the light and to be like a precious stone and never change.
Thanks for giving me support.
U-KnowIndo Translate:
Untuk kharisma
Selamat Ulang Tahun ke 3.
Bahkan ketika waktu hilang, aku akan mencoba untuk tidak kehilangan cahaya dan menjadi seperti batu mulia dan yang tidak pernah berubah. Terima kasih untuk memberi saya dukungan.
Shared: ips0101
[Vid] 100617 Jaejoong Food Prejudice King
[Trans] 100618 Grazia Magazine Preview
*From the Editorial department’s blog
Greetings to everyone, I’m the NY of Grazia Magazine. The extremely hot weather is still ongoing, is everyone feeling okay? The August issue of Grazia will be on sale on 1st July, and there will be a special on Tohoshinki’s leader, Jung YunHo! This is the view of the studio. It looks very blur. Today is my first time meeting YunHo, and I was extremely grateful to be able to meet someone with such a good personality and excellent character. (He had) such sincerity in his eyes and a gentlemanly attitude while facing the camera during the photo shoot. (He can) speak very fluently in Japanese, which is not his native language. The way he politely expressed his feelings towards the other party. From these (I) can understand why he is so captivating (and why) everyone is so smitten with him. To all the fans of THSK, whether you are a reader of Grazia or not, you will be extremely pleased upon reading YunHo’s interview.Indo Translate:
* Dari departemen Editorial blog
sapaan untuk semua orang, aku adalah NY dari Majalah Grazia. Cuaca sangat panas masih terus berlangsung, pasti setiap orang baik-baik sajakan? Edisi Agustus Grazia akan dijual pada tanggal 1 Juli, dan akan ada pemimpin khusus Tohoshinki, Jung YunHo! Ini adalah foto dari studio. Memang gambarnya terlihat sangat kabur. Hari ini adalah pertama kali saya bertemu YunHo, dan saya sangat bersyukur untuk dapat bertemu dengan seseorang dengan kepribadian yang baik dan karakter yang sangat baik. Dia punya ketulusan seperti terlihat di mata dan sikap sopan sambil menghadap kamera selama pemotretan. (Dia bisa) berbicara dengan sangat fasih bahasa Jepang, yang bukan bahasa kebangsaanya. cara dia sopan mengungkapkan perasaannya terhadap pihak lain. Dari sini(aku) dapat memahami mengapa dia begitu menawan (dan mengapa) semua orang jadi jatuh cinta dengan dia. Untuk semua penggemar THSK, apakah Anda seorang pembaca Grazia atau tidak, Anda akan sangat senang setelah membaca Wawancara
Source: Grazia Magazi
Source: Grazia Magazine + baiduTVXQ
Translation: kimuchi3005 @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Pic] Sunao Ni Narenakute
[Pic] JYJ THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME official goods part 12
[Pic] 100617 Jaejoong Food Prejudice King
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Jun 18
- [Vid] Lotte Duty Free – So I’m loving you Jap version
- [Trans] 100618 Tohomobile Staff Blog
- [Trans] JunSu, JeJung, YuChun Attract Over 200,000...
- [Pic] 100618 Changmin for System
- [Trans] 100617 Final Approval For Verdict On SM To...
- [Vid] 100617 Sunao Ni Narenakute EP 10
- [Pic] Yoochun’s Cyworld Update
- [Trans] Yunho’s Message for Kharisma’s 3rd Anniver...
- [Vid] 100617 Jaejoong Food Prejudice King
- [Trans] 100618 Grazia Magazine Preview
- [Pic] Sunao Ni Narenakute
- [Pic] JYJ THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME official goods...
- [Pic] 100617 Jaejoong Food Prejudice King
Jun 18