Are you ever curious about the meaning of this gesture by JaeChunSu at Lotte ad?
They covered half of their eyes.
We found out the meaning of this gesture through Lotte Duty Free report from Song Seung Hoon’s filming of his Lotte ad where he was also ordered to have a pose of covering half of his eyes with one hand.
Then.. what does the gesture mean?
In Korean there’s a saying “don’t sell half your eye”. This means “don’t look at others” (believe in yourself).Indo Translate:
Apakah Anda pernah penasaran tentang arti dari gerakan oleh JaeChunSu pada iklan Lotte.?
Mereka menutupi mereka setengah mata mereka
Kami menemukan arti dari gerakan melalui laporan Lotte Duty Free dari iklannya Song Seung Hoon di mana ia juga memperagakan pose yang menutupi setengah matanya dengan satu tangan.
Kemudian .. apa makna dari hal tersebut? Dalam bahasa Korea ada pepatah "tidak menjual mata Anda setengah". Ini berarti "tidak melihat orang lain" (percaya pada diri sendiri).
shared by: ips0101
[Pic] 100627 Yunho at Gimpo airport
[Trans] 100628 HOT CHILIPAPER VOL.59 – Lotte Duty Free Shop’s “NEWEST” 3 People
Lotte Duty Free Shop’s “So I’m Loving You” CM has 3 new people; Junsu, Yoochun and Jaejoong.
To film this CM, the movie and a photo shoot at the same time in a studio in Seoul, has been intense since April.
Balloons, flower bouquets, duty free shop VIP cards and other items were used as props and were included in the filming for videos and brochures that will be shown in Lotte Duty Free shops.
Such advertisements usually take from 11 in the morning till 6 pm, but to accommodate Jaejoong who was filming a Japanese drama, the 3 had been very busy; starting from 5 pm in the afternoon and filming till 2/3 o’clock late into the night.
The person in charge of filming also said that “Filming in the late night is very tough, but the 3 people had no expressions of impatience, and were filming positively.”
Indo Translate:
Toko Lotte Duty Free "so i'm Loving You" CM memiliki 3 orang baru; Junsu, Yoochun dan Jaejoong.
Untuk film ini CM, film dan pemotretan pada saat yang sama di sebuah studio di Seoul, telah intens sejak April.
Balon karangan bunga, kartu VIP toko duty free dan item lainnya digunakan sebagai alat peraga dan termasuk dalam film untuk video dan brosur yang akan ditampilkan di toko Lotte Duty Free.
seperti iklan biasanya mengambil dari 11 pagi hingga 6 sore , tetapi untuk mengakomodasi Jaejoong yang bermain drama di Jepang, pada jam 3 sudah sangat sibuk, mulai dari pukul 5 sore di sore hari dan film sampai 2 / 03:00 larut malam. Orang yang bertanggung jawab atas film juga mengatakan bahwa " film di malam terakhir memang sangat sulit, tetapi 3 orang tidak memiliki ekspresi ketidaksabaran, dan bermain sangat bailk. "
Source: Xiahking + BaiduTVXQ + Hey!JJ
Translation: tvxqhwaiting @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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[Trans] Yunho’s message for Blue Ocean
To Blue Ocean ★
Congratulations for your 4th year anniversary! ❤
Just like small waves create a river and then the ocean, each of your precious support and love is like an ocean to me and fill up my heart with joy. I’m touched.❤
-U know-
Indo Translate:
selamat untuk perayaan ulang tahunmu yang ke-4! ❤
Sama seperti gelombang kecil di sungai dan kemudian ke laut, masing-masing dukungan berharga dan cinta kalian seperti samudera bagiku dan mengisi hatiku dengan sukacita. Aku terharu. ❤
-U Know-
Credit: sharingyoochun
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[Vid] 100623 Bee TV Beautiful Love EP 4
credit: ployshinify
[News] 100628 TVXQ Trio File Lawsuit For Exclusive Contract
Three members of ‘TVXQ’ have filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment following their exclusive contract injunction.
According to the Seoul District Courts, Xiah Junsu (Kim Junsu), Micky Yoochun (Park Yoochun) and YoungWoong Jaejoong (Kim Jaejoong) filed an exclusive contract validity suspension lawsuit on the 25th.
Sejong, the law firm in charge of the trio’s legal actions, stated, “The exclusive contract period is thirteen years from the date they debuted, however, if military service is taken into consideration, the length of the contract is in fact fifteen years,” and “This violates Clause 103 of the civil code.” Clause 103 of the civil code states that any legal acts that violate good customs or public order will become invalid. Sejong also stated, “If the contract is canceled, the members must pay an extravagant compensation fee that is three times the amount of total investments and twice the amount of what the group would have earned in the remaining period of the contract.”
The trio submitted an exclusive contract suspension injunction last July which was partially granted in October. SM Entertainment also filed an objection to the partial acceptance verdict and a lawsuit to confirm the continued validity of the exclusive contract in April.
Indo Translate:
Tiga anggota 'TVXQ' telah mengajukan tuntutan hukum terhadap SM Entertainment berikut tentang kontrak eksklusif mereka.
Menurut Pengadilan Distrik Seoul, Xiah Junsu (Kim Junsu), Micky Yoochun (Park YooChun) dan YoungWoong Jaejoong (Kim Jaejoong) mengajukan kontrak eksklusif validitas suspensi gugatan pada tanggal 25.
Sejong biro hukum yang bertanggung jawab atas hukum ketiga anggota ini menyatakan, "Masa kontrak eksklusif adalah tiga belas tahun dari tanggal mereka debut, namun, jika dinas militer dipertimbangkan, faktanya panjang kontrak bisa sampai lima belas tahun, dan ini melanggar Pasal 103 dari kode sipil "Pasal 103 dari kode negara sipil. bahwa setiap tindakan yang melanggar hukum adat yang baik atau ketertiban umum akan menjadi tidak sah.Sejong juga menyatakan, "Jika kontrak dibatalkan, maka anggota harus membayar biaya kompensasi sebanyak tiga kali lipat dari jumlah total investasi dan dua kali lipat dari jumlah yag diperoleh oleh aggota selama sisa periode kontrak.
Ketiganya mengajukan perintah suspensi kontrak eksklusif terakhir pada bulan Juli yang sebagian diberikan pada bulan Oktober. SM Entertainment juga mengajukan keberatan atas vonis parsial dan penerimaan gugatan untuk mengkonfirmasi keabsahan lanjutan dari kontrak eksklusif pada bulan April.
source: [hankyungnews]
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