In April, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom,
there was a shooting for the cover of Xiah Junsu’s solo single in the studio in Tokyo.It’s been a while since we met him, but he got sunburned and became more manly.When the shooting started, he strike the poses and we thought “he is a real charisma!”
He greatly shortened the schedule time of the shooting of the cover!
The concept, music production and clothes etc…everything was produced by Junsu!He always does his best, but this time he especially put his effort!!!
He gave us some ideas with staffs during the shooting.
Please look forward for JunsuBigeast Staff
Indo Translate:
Pada bulan April, saat bunga sakura sedang mekar, ada gambar untuk sampul single xiah junsu di studio Tokyo.
udah lama sejak kami bertemu dia tapi dia semangat dan menjadi lebih jantan.Ketika pemotretan di mulai, ia berpose dan kami pikir "dia sangat berkharisma!"
Dia mempunyai jadwal waktu pemotretan sampul yang singkat! dari konsep, produksi musik, sampaii ke costum semuanya di buat oleh junsu sendiri.
Dia selalu melakukan yang terbaik, tapi kali ini khususnya ia meletakkan semua usahanya!! Dia memberikan kepada kita beberapa ide selama proses pemotretan. Teruslah melihat JunsuStaf Bigeast
trans by: Hiromi@sharingyoochun
[Info Trans] Bigeast Message Bout XIAH Junsu Shooting Report
[Pic] Changmin endorsement
[Pic+Vid] Mezamashi TV – Juri Ueno birthday
[Info Trans] Xiah Junsu Message for Bigeast
From the concept to choosing the song I self produced everything so
please enjoy it.
In the future I will challenge many things so please look forward to it.
Indo Translate:
Dari konsep lagu yang kupilih aku membuat semuanya sendiri jadi nikmatilah.
Kedepannya aku akan melakukan banyak hal lagi jadi tunggulah untuk itu.
trans by:
[News] Girls Award 2010 Great Praise Broadcast Release
title: Girls Award 2010
Channel: fashiontv (SKYPerfecTV! Ch. 765)
Date and time of the first broadcast: 6/10 (Thursday) 22:00 to 24:00
This is XIAH-san~
Indo Translate:
judul: award girls 2010
Saluran:tvfasion(SKYPerfecTV! Ch. 765)
jam dan tanggal:10/6(kamis) 22.00 sampai 24.00
Ini Xiah-san~
source: 聆听XIAHTIC + BaiduTVXQ
translation: tvxqhwaiting @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Trans] Jaejoong message for herowings
Thank you as always!
Cheer up (be strong) even though it’s difficult!
Let’s wait together!source: herowings
trans by:
[Video] Mnet Yunho – Goodbye My love Making
credit: PigbbongJ
[Video] Stalking Changmin
credit: lovelymax
[Video] Jaejoong was mentioned at YSTAR
credit: personanongratatvxq
[Video] Stalking Homin
credit: WeaReShining01
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Mei 25
- [Info Trans] Bigeast Message Bout XIAH Junsu Shoo...
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- [Pic+Vid] Mezamashi TV – Juri Ueno birthday
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