credit: dirah9314
[Video] Junsu- Kanashimi no Yukue from Drama
[Info] Junsu as Guest Appearance in Girls Award 2010
Gathering all Japan’s leading fashion brands! The most anticipated appearances of many models!
Vocal audition will also be held and special LIVE!
Girls Award 2010 SPRING / SUMMER
May 22 (Sat) 15:00
First Gymnasium of Yoyogi National Stadium
2010.5.22 (Sat)
OPEN · · · 14:00
START · · · 15:00
Venue · · · First Gymnasium of Yoyogi National Stadium
Price · · · ¥ 7,500 seats; ¥ 5,500 seats
Guest Appearances
XIAH junsu / Kana Nishino / Juliet / BENI / Thelma Aoyama / soulJa
Girls’ Award Homepage
Buy Ticket: Kyodo | Eplus
[InfoTrans] First project for Tohoshinki Junsu’s “Solo Activity”!
First project for Tohoshinki Junsu’s “Solo Activity”!
Popular Korean group Tohoshinki who announced their activity suspension, member Junsu (23) will “re-start” from the event on the 22nd as artist name XIAH junsu.
He will make guest appearance by performing a dance number “Intoxication” for the first time at the Tokyo Yoyogi hall for the biggest fashion & music event “GirlsAward 2010″ in front of 15.000 people. This will be in his solo single “XIAH” that’s going to be released on the 26th.
Junsu has attention from all Asia and the event theme is “Shibuya to Asia. And to the world.” So he got offered by the producer and Junsu accepted to make the theme happen.
After Tohoshinki’s activity suspension, this will be his first time to be in an event and he said “It’s been a while for me to sing at a big stage alone so I feel nervous but still am really excited. I will try hard to show a performance that will make everyone satisfied”
proyek pertama untuk "Kegiatan Solo Junsu Tohoshinki"!
elompok Krea terkenal Tohoshinki yang telah mengumumkan Pemberhentian aktivitas mereka, salah satu anggotanya Junsu (23) akan mengubah nama artisnya sebagai xiah junsu.
Ia akan membuat penampilan baru melalui penampilannya dalam sejumlah tarian "intoxication" untuk pertama kalinya di balai Yoyogi Tokyo untuk fashion acara murik terbesar "GirlsAward 2010" di depan 15,000 orang. ini akan menjadi single solonyal "Xiah" yang akan dirilis pada tanggal 26.
Junsu memiliki perhatian dari seluruh Asia dan tema acara adalah "Shibuya ke Asia. Dan dunia. "Jadi dia ditawarkan oleh produsen dan JunSu menerima untuk membuat temanya bisa terjadi.
Setelah suspensi aktivitas Tohoshinki, ini akan menjadi yang pertama kalinya berada di suatu acara dan dia berkata "Sudah beberapa saat bagi saya untuk menyanyi di panggung besar sendirian jadi saya merasa gugup tapi masih benar-benar bersemangat. Aku akan berusaha keras untuk menunjukkan kinerja yang akan membuat semua orang puas "source:
trans by:
[Video] Cheering for Tohoshinki!
[Credits: 2004akajoker]
[Video] “Intoxication” PV FULL version
[Credit: 33mimilove33]
[Video] “Intoxication” PV Preview (longer version)
[Credit: EternalJae]
[Video] “Intoxication” PV Preview
[Credit: dirah9314]
[Pic] “Intoxication” CD & CD + DVD versions’ cover photos

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Mei 03
- [Video] Junsu- Kanashimi no Yukue from Drama
- [Pic] Stalking Yoochun
- [Info] Junsu as Guest Appearance in Girls Award 2010
- [InfoTrans] First project for Tohoshinki Junsu’s “...
- [Video] Cheering for Tohoshinki!
- [Video] “Intoxication” PV FULL version
- [Video] “Intoxication” PV Preview (longer version)
- [Video] “Intoxication” PV Preview
- [Pic] “Intoxication” CD & CD + DVD versions’ cover...
Mei 03