The drama that stars Micky Yoochun – SungKyunKwan Scandal, will be released in manhwa (t/n: Korean comics) form.
Title: SungKyunKwan Scandal TV Series Manhwa 1
Product Code: ISBN 9788996377214
Publisher: World Kim Yeon Inc.
Release date: 2010.10.20
Type: 170*220mm / 272 pages
Language: Korean
Price: 1,900円 (tax incl)
Source: [Innolife]Translation credits:
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[INFO] 101013 SungKyunKwan Scandal Manhwa
[Info-Trans] 101013 SM Files For Temporary Injunction Against Sale Of JYJ’s First Album
Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu, the trio from TVXQ who formed a new group JYJ, will have to put a brake on their activities. SM Entertainment (henceforth SM) has filed for a temporary injunction to put a ban on the sale of JYJ’s new album 「The Beginning」.
On the 13th, an official from the legal circle clarified, “On SM’s part, they have filed for a temporary injunction with the courts to put a ban on the sale of JYJ’s worldwide album 「The Beginning」, which is waiting to be launched.” The official continued to say, “The reason (for this injunction) is because the issue of the exclusive contract between SM and JYJ and the conflict stemming from it have yet to be resolved. The results from the court decision will have a huge impact on JYJ’s activities.”
Since the end of July last year, JYJ have been at opposing ends with SM over issues like their exclusive contracts. As a matter of fact, currently, the trio are doing their solo activities and kicked-off their 「JYJ Worldwide Showcase」 on the 12th, at Hwajeong Tiger Dome, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seoul.
Indo Translate:Jaejoong, YooChun dan JunSu, trio dari TVXQ yang membentuk sebuah kelompok baru JYJ, harus mempersiapkan rem pada kegiatan mereka. SM Entertainment (selanjutnya SM) telah mengajukan sebuah perintah sementara untuk menempatkan larangan penjualan album baru JYJ "Beginning".
Pada tanggal 13, seorang kuasa hukum menglarifikasi, "Pada bagian SM, mereka telah mengajukan perintah sementara dengan pengadilan untuk menempatkan larangan penjualan album Worldwide JYJ "Beginning", yang segera akan diluncurkan. "dalam penyataan resmi ," Alasan (untuk perintah ini) karena isu eksklusif kontrak dan konflik antara SM dan JYJ belum diselesaikan. Hasil dari keputusan pengadilan akan memiliki dampak besar pada kegiatan-kegiatan JYJ .
Sejak akhir Juli tahun lalu, JYJ telah mengakhiri kontrak dengan SM atas masalah-masalah seperti kontrak eksklusif mereka. Masalahnya, saat ini, ketiganya melakukan kegiatan solo mereka dan membuat pertunjukan "Worldwide JYJ Showcase" pada tanggal 12, di Hwajeong Tiger Dome, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seoul.Indo Translate: Ips0101Source: [JoongAng Ilbo]Translation credits:
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[Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 5
[Pic] 101012 Stalking Junsu
[Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 13
[Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 12
[Vid] 101012 SungKyunKwan Scandal EP 14
[Vid] 101011 SungKyunKwan Scandal EP 13
[Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 4
[Vid] 101013 KBS News – JYJ Showcase in Seoul
[Pic] JYJ NEW ALBUM Photobook 3
[Trans] 101013 JYJ’s First Showcase: “We Finally Stood On Stage With Mics In Hand” + Q&A
TVXQ members Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu, who formed a male trio JYJ, finally stood in front of their Korean fans for the first time.
At 9PM on the 12th, JYJ held their 「JYJ Worldwide Showcase」 in Hwajeong Gymnasium, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seoul, and showed off their bright and confident images.
On that day, it was the first public exhibit of JYJ’s first worldwide album 「The Beginning」, which the trio had worked together with famous American producers Kanye West and Rodney Jerkins. During the LIVE, 4 songs from that album, as well as the OST song 「Chajatta」 from KBS2′s drama 「Sungkyunkwan Scandal」, were introduced. This album has attracted a lot of attention because it includes songs by each of the trio, composed from when they were teens. Through their powerful voices and refined choreography, one could catch a glimpse of the sincerity and effort the trio have put into this album.
Next, is a question and answer with JYJ:
– How do you feel, standing on the stage after such a long time?
JJ: Completely grateful. This is the first time we recorded an album in which the songs are all in English, so it might be unfamiliar, but as the fans are familiar with our voices, I hope they’ll listen to it well. As we spent a lot of time preparing for this album, I hope that the fans will enjoy it with all their hearts.
– This is JYJ’s first album. Are there any new feelings?
JS: The album and our music are our means of communication with the fans, so I worried a lot. Through our fans’ support, we were able to release the album without any problems, so I’m really happy.
– The producers involved in this album are very famous people.
YC: I’m really happy to have been able to work with such famous people that I’ve only heard about when I was living in the United States during my childhood. The recording also has special sentimental value because the recording studio that we used also had connections to Michael Jackson.
– In June, after the LIVE in Japan’s Tokyo Dome, Jaejoong cried as he came down the stage.
JJ: Before we did the performances at the Tokyo Dome, we also had a round of LIVES at Osaka. In Osaka, I started crying from the very first song. All the things that we couldn’t express in words were expressed through our expressions. After we sang the last song at the Tokyo Dome, the fans started shouting “Don’t cry”, and that was when the tears came. It wasn’t for the past nor the future; those tears were to express the sadness (I felt) for the present situation.
– Are there any idols among the Korean idols that have caught your eye?
YC: I’ve been really busy lately so I haven’t really been watching TV. Although I’ve only heard their song and not seen them on TV, it seems like Miss A surpasses (the rest) in terms of ability.
– Your resolution henceforth.
YC: We were able to hold mics and stand on stage, as well as meet our fans again. From now on when we release a second album, or when we release albums in future, I hope that people will have the thought of always wanting to listen to our songs. I’m really happy that I’ve been so busy during this period of time. I would be happy if it’s the same in future.
Indo Translate:Anggota TVXQ Jaejoong, YooChun dan JunSu, yang membentuk trio band JYJ, akhirnya berdiri di depan fans Korea mereka untuk pertama kalinya.
Pada jam 9:00 pada tanggal 12, JYJ mengadakan mereka "Worldwide JYJ Showcase" di Hwajeong Gymnasium, Korea University, Anam -dong, Seoul, dan memamerkan gambaran ketampanan dan kepercayaan diri mereka.
Pada hari itu, itu adalah pertunjukan pertama dari album pertama wordwide mereka "Beginning", yang ketiganya telah bekerja sama dengan produser amerika terkenal Kanya West dan Rodney Jerkins. Selama LIVE, 4 lagu dari album itu, serta di perkenalkan pula lagu OST "Chajatta" dari drama KBS2 "Sungkyunkwan Skandal". Album ini telah menarik banyak perhatian karena termasuk lagu dibawakan oleh masing-masing trio, terdiri dari saat mereka remaja. Melalui suara yang kuat dan koreografi yang lembut, orang bisa melihat sekilas tentang kesungguhan dan usaha ketiganya yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam album ini.
Selanjutnya, adalah pertanyaan dan jawaban dari JYJ:
- Bagaimana perasaanmu, berdiri di panggung setelah sekian lama ?
JJ: Sangat bersyukur. Ini adalah pertama kalinya kami membuat album di mana lagu-lagu adalah dalam bahasa Inggris, jadi mungkin akan asing, tetapi sebagai penggemar yang akrab dengan suara kami, saya berharap mereka akan mendengarkan dengan baik. Saat kami menghabiskan banyak waktu mempersiapkan album ini, saya berharap para penggemar akan menikmatinya dengan segenap hati mereka
- Ini adalah album pertama JYJ. Apakah ada perasaan baru?
JS: album dan musik kami adalah cara kita komunikasi dengan para fans, jadi saya khawatir sekali. Melalui dukungan fans kami ', kami dapat merilis album tanpa masalah, jadi aku sangat senang.
- Para produsen yang terlibat dalam album ini adalah orang-orang terkenal yang sangat kecil. YC: Saya sangat senang telah dapat bekerja dengan orang-orang terkenal seperti yang telah saya hanya mendengar tentang kapan saya tinggal di Amerika selama saya Amerika. rekaman juga khusus karena memiliki nilai sentimental kami menggunakan studio rekaman juga memiliki hubungan dengan Michael Jackson. The - Pada bulan Juni, setelah LIVE di Jepang Tokyo Dome, Jaejoong menangis ketika dia jatuh di atas panggung. JJ: Sebelum kita melakukan Tokyo Dome, kami juga memiliki putaran LIVE di Osaka. Di Osaka, saya mulai menangis dari lagu pertama. Semua hal yang kita tidak bisa mengungkapkan dengan kata-kata yang diekspresikan melalui ungkapan kita. Setelah kami menyanyikan lagu terakhir di Tokyo Dome, para penggemar mulai berteriak "Jangan menangis", dan saat itulah air mata datang. Itu bukan ke masa lalu dan masa depan; air mata untuk mengekspresikan kesedihan (saya merasa) untuk ha situasi saat ini.
- Apakah ada idola selain idola korea yang tertangkap mata kalian?
YC: Aku benar-benar sibuk akhir-akhir ini jadi aku belum sempat menonton TV. Meskipun begitu aku hanya mendengar lagu mereka dan tidak melihat mereka di televisi, tampaknya seperti Miss A surpasses (the rest) dalam hal kemampuan
-Perkembangan kalian selanjutnya.
YC:Kami mampu memegang mic dan berdiri di atas panggung, serta bisa bertemu dengan fans kami lagi. Dari sekarang ketika kita merilis album kedua, atau ketika kami merilis album di masa depan, saya berharap bahwa orang akan memiliki pemikiran untuk selalu ingin mendengarkan lagu-lagu kami. Saya sangat senang bahwa saya sudah sangat sibuk selama beberapa waktu. Saya akan senang jika itu sama di masa depan.
Indo Translate: ips0101Source: [JoongAng Ilbo]Translation credits:
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[Trans] 101012 JYJ Showcase In Seoul – “Unable To Express With Words”
Making a comeback as JYJ, TVXQ members Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, and Xiah Junsu had their debut showcase ‘JYJ Worldwide Showcase in Seoul’ for their new album ‘The Beginning’ on the night of October 12 at Korea University Hwajung Gymnasium.
With Kim Tae Hyun initiating the interactions between the fans as the MC, the members of JYJ revealed their honest feelings about returning the Korea’s music scene.
With regards to the reason for their tears at their Tokyo Dome Live, they replied, “Tears already came out at the start of the performance. When we were unable to express ourselves with words, our expressions were more frank and open, but in the future, we will try our best to smile during sad times.”
JYJ reminisced saying, “At that time, the members promised not to cry until the very end, but we couldn’t hold it in any longer. It wasn’t because of the past, nor the future, but because of the current situation. This is for sure a feeling that cannot be expressed with words.”
Through this time’s showcase, JYJ revealed for the first time to their Korean fans, their worldwide album, ‘The Beginning’, which was produced by Kanye West and other top American producers. The live songs they say included ‘Ayyy Girl’, ‘Empty’, ‘Be My Girl’, among others. Especially, with a sales volume of over 100 000 copies, the main OST that received popularity through TV drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, ‘Chajatta’ received a massive response from fans at the showcase.
Indo Translate:Telah comeback menjadi JYJ, anggota TVXQ Hero Jaejoong, Micky YooChun dan Xiah Junsu telah menampilkan debutnya dalam 'JYJ Worldwide Showcase di Seoul' untuk ambum baru mereka 'The Beginning' pada malam tanggal 12 Oktober di University Hwajung Gimnasium korea.
Dengan Kim Tae Hyun memulai interaksi antara para penggemar sebagai MC, anggota JYJ mengungkapkan perasaan jujur mereka tentang kembalinya mereka ke indrustri musik korea.
Sehubungan dengan alasan mereka menagis di acara Tokyo Dome kemarin, mereka menjawab, "Air mata sudah menetes di awal pertunjukan. Ketika kami tidak dapat mengekspresikan diri dengan kata-kata, ekspresi kita lebih jujur dan terbuka, tapi di masa depan, kami akan mencoba sebaik mungkin untuk tersenyum pada saat sedih."
JYJ mengulang kata2nya, "Pada waktu itu, kami berjanji tidak akan menangis sampai akhir, tapi kami tidak bisa menahan diri lagi. bukan karena yang sudah lewat, maupun nantinya, tetapi karena situasi saat ini. adalah perasaan yang tidak dapat di ungkapkan dengan kata2.
"Kali ini melalui penampilannya, JYJ mengungkapkan untuk pertama kalinya untuk fans Korea mereka, albun worldwide mereka, 'beginning', yang diproduksi oleh Kanye West dan produser Amerika terkenal lainnya . Lagu2 yang dibawakan langsung termasuk 'Ayyy Girl', 'Empty', 'Be My Girl', dan yang lainnya. Terutama, dengan volume penjualan lebih dari 100 000 eksemplar, OST utama yang menerima popularitas besar melalui drama TV, 'Sungkyunkwan Skandal' 'Chajatta' mendapat respon besar dari penggemar pada saat acara.
Source: [baidutvxq]
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[Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 11
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- [INFO] 101013 SungKyunKwan Scandal Manhwa
- [Info-Trans] 101013 SM Files For Temporary Injunct...
- [Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 5
- [Pic] 101012 Stalking Junsu
- [Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 13
- [Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 12
- [Vid] 101012 SungKyunKwan Scandal EP 14
- [Vid] 101011 SungKyunKwan Scandal EP 13
- [Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 4
- [Vid] 101013 KBS News – JYJ Showcase in Seoul
- [Pic] JYJ NEW ALBUM Photobook 3
- [Trans] 101013 JYJ’s First Showcase: “We Finally S...
- [Trans] 101012 JYJ Showcase In Seoul – “Unable To ...
- [Pic] JYJ NEW ALBUM Photobook 2
- [Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 11
- [Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 10
- [Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 3
- [Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 9
- [Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 2
- [Vid] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul
- [Pic] 101012 JYJ NEW ALBUM SHOWCASE In Seoul 8
Okt 13