credit: baidu
[News] Yoochun – Song Joong Ki ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ is Confirmed to be in KBS September Program
Drama with unique theme of a school in Joseon Dynasty, dealing with a love-life story, ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ will meet the viewers this fall.
On the 13th, ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ production company said, “Recently a final decision has been made that KBS will be organizing the drama and it will starts airing in this September’s fall.”
While KBS side confirmed, “We’re in charge to the organization of the drama, but everything is still subject to change.” and “Currently we’re in the midst of airing “Call of the Country” drama, after that, the time-slot will be loosen down, yet we still do not know the exact airing date for ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal.”
Indo Translate:
Drama dengan tema yang unik dari sebuah sekolah di Dinasti Joseon, berpadu dengan kehidupan kisah cinta, 'SungKyunKwan Skandal' akan memenuhi pemirsa musim gugur ini.
Pada tanggal 13, "sebut perusahaan produksi 'Skandal SungKyunKwan," Baru saja keputusan akhir telah dibuat yang akan mengorganisir KBS drama dan akan mulai ditayangkan pada bulan September musim gugur ini dikonfirmasi.
"Sedangkan dari sisi KBS ," Kami bertanggung jawab untuk organisasi drama, namun semuanya masih dapat berubah. Dan Saat ini kami kembali untuk menayangkan drama "Call of the Country", setelah itu, waktu peluncuran akan segera di kabarkan, namun kita masih belum tahu tanggal penayangan yang tepat untuk 'Skandal SungKyunKwan. "source: joynews24
sum trans:
[Info Trans] The Television Magazine No.19 part 2
Doctor (Jaejoong):
“Pure boy who kept saying Haru Joh Wah heh” (Haru I like you). His wish came true and is able to go out with Haru.”He doesn’t have money but is he able to go to an stylish restaurant?
- Where everyone meets up, Tokyo Shibuya’s cafe “The Emotion”. Doctor and Haru shouldn’t have high salary but are they able to go to a stylish cafe like that all the time? This cafe’s setting is actually really cheap and the beer is only a little more than 200yen ($2). But Doctor has Linda pay sometimes *laugh*This weeks episode 6 is..
Haru and Doctor is a couple! Nakaji is getting married!?Episode 5 where Haru was in danger and Nakaji and Doctor made an effort. Because of this accident the 5′s relationship changed drastically. On episode 6 (airs 5/20) Haru is moved by Doctors pure feelings and decides to go out with him. At the same time Nakaji got a serial magazine job at where Linda works. Nakaji is happy that he is able to become a full-fledged cameraman. But behind Nakaji getting his job,the truth is Linda used all his physical strength and got an “interview” with his editor Okuda.
After the 5 met for the “Sunanare Kai”, when heading home between Nakaji and Haru an awkward distance was made. Haru who always talked back was awkwardly quiet and Nakaji felt lonely. A few days later Nakaji tells Kiriko that he got an column in a magazine. He asked Kiriko if there was anything she wanted and Kirko told him she wanted a ring. Is Kiriko going to divorce her husband and finally marry Nakaji!?
Indo Translate:
Dokter (Jaejoong):
"Anak polos yang terus berkata Haru Yoh Wah heh" (Haru Saya suka kamu).Apakah Keinginannya menjadi kenyataan dan ia bisa kencan dengan Haru.
"Dia tidak punya uang tapi dia bisa pergi ke sebuah restoran bergaya?
- Di mana semua orang bisa bertemu, kafe Tokyo Shibuya " Emosinya ". Dokter dan Haru tidak mempunyai gaji tinggi tetapi apakah mereka bisa pergi ke sebuah kafe bergaya seperti itu sepanjang waktu? Pengaturan kafe ini sebenarnya sangat murah dan birnya hanya kurang dari 200 ¥ ($ 2). tapi si dokter di bayari linda kadang-kadang * tertawa *Minggu ini adalh episode ke-6 ..
Haru dan Dokter akan enjadi pasangan! Nakaji akan menikah!?
Episode 5 dimana Haru dalam bahaya dan Nakaji dan Dokter berusaha meyelamatkannya. Karena kecelakaan ini hubungan mereka ber-5 berubah drastis. Di episode 6 (tayang 20/05) Haru tergugah oleh perasaan doter yang tulus dan memutuskan untuk pergi bersamanya. Pada saat yang sama Nakaji mendapat pekerjaan di mana Linda bekerja. Nakaji gembira bahwa ia mampu menjadi juru kamera penuh. Tapi di belakang Nakaji mendapatkan pekerjaannya, kebenaran adalah Linda menggunakan semua fisiknya dan dapat bertemu dengan editor Okuda.
Setelah mereka ber-5 bertemu untuk "Sunanare Kai", ketika pulang antara Nakaji dan Haru menjadi sangat canggung . Haru yang selalu berbicara tenang terlihat sangat canggung dan Nakaji merasa kesepian. Beberapa hari kemudian Nakaji mengatakan pada Kiriko bahwa ia mendapat berita di majalah. Dia bertanya pada Kiriko jika ada sesuatu yang dia inginkan dan Kirko memberitahunya bahwa dia ingin cincin.Apakah Kiriko akan menceraikan suaminya dan akhirnya menikahi Nakaji !?
[Info Trans] The Television Magazine No.19

Who I want to co-star is Matsu Takako-san. I like older women too.
Tohoshinki’s leader, Yunho brought attention to the first drama he starred in “No Limit ~heading to the ground~” is finally going to be on DVD! It is going to be sold from 6/16.
“Since it was my first time acting I had a lot of pressure but I don’t really think there is a big difference for actors and artists. If a melody was added to the lines it will become music, I think it connects as in for each song, you act out the character. More than anything if you work hard I think that the viewers would understand so I played the character Cha Bong-gun with all my heart.”
Bong-Gun causes some trouble and is a trouble maker. But he is straight forward, pure, and is passionate. Yunho and him have that in common. “As I was playing the role I also thought we had things in common. In the beginning Bong-Gun gets upset right away and was immature but as he meets many people he starts to mature. It was my first drama and the set and staffs were different then usual. I had new experience everyday and had troubles too but I think as a human I was able to mature too.”
[Pic+Trans] Beautiful Love mobile update
Met once again!? What are the 2 doing at a place like this? Coincidentally Yoongsu and Hinata met again in the city. Yoongsu’s impression is a little different…Hinata who is confused!?
Indo translate:
Bertemu sekali lagi!? Apa mereka berdua lakukan di tempat seperti ini? Kebetulan Yoongsu dan Hinata bertemu lagi di kota ini. kesan Yoongsu adalah sedikit berbeda ... Hinata yang juga bingung!
Yoongsu who takes the cake.
Yoongsu who was irritated all the time shows a positive face expression? What happened!?
Indo Translate:
Yoongsu yang sedang mengambil kue. Yoongsu yang merasa kesal sepanjang hari menunjukkan ekspresi wajah positifnya? Apa yang terjadi!?
“I’m Soongsu!”
Hinata who doesn’t know that Yoongsu is the rumored son of the noble, she read in the book. To Hinata Yoongsu lies that his name is “Soongsu”.
It seems that the story is starting to change
Indo Translate:
"Aku Soongsu!"
Hinata yang tidak tahu bahwa Yoongsu dikabarkan putra bangsawan, ia membaca dalam sebuah buku. Untuk Hinata Yoongsu berbohong bahwa namanya adalah "Soongsu". Tampaknya cerita ini mulai berubah
credit: cafede-yuchun
trans by:
[News] Junsu will appear in a Japanese Radio Program
June 6 (Sun)18:00-18:54 “ASIENCE SPIRIT OF ASIA”
* He will appear in the corner “ASIAN LOUNGE”, where various information of Asian countries are introduced.[JAPAN FM LEAGUE (5 broadcasting stations network]
J-WAVE (Tokyo)
ZIP-FM (Aichi)
FM802 (Osaka)
CROSS FM (Fukuoka)source: TOHOSHINKI official website
translation: smiley @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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