[Info Trans] ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ Original Novel Experiences a Rapid Increase in Sales
[News] Thanks to The Popularity of Yoochun, ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ Original Novel Experiences a Rapid Increase in Sales
During Korea Publishers Conference on last 9th – 15th, Kyobobook, Youngpoong Bookstore, yes24, Interpark online and offline bookstores, and the rest 10 famous local bookstores announced their overall sales results and the 1st and 2nd volume ‘The Life of SungKyunKwan Students’ novel that was released July last year occupied current sales rank of 11th and 19th respectively.
The reason behind this rapid increase in sales is judged due to the influence of TVXQ member Yoochun whose group has been enjoying the tremendous popularity both in South Korea and Japan as well as the rest of Asia’s global music industry.
Meanwhile, currently ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ has finished its casting process and will begin the shooting on May 1st.
[NEWS] Terima kasih pada Popularitas Yoochun, Novel asli ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ mengalami peningkatan penjualan
Selama Konfersi Penerbit Korea pada 9 - 15, Kyobobook, Toko Buku Youngpoong, yes24, Interpark online dan toko buku offline, dan sisanya 10 toko buku lokal terkenal mengumumkan hasil penjualan mereka secara keseluruhan dan novel volume 1 dan 2 'Kehidupan Mahasiswa SungKyunKwan' yang dirilis Juli tahun lalu menduduki peringkat penjualan saat ini masing-masing 11 dan 19.
Alasan di balik ini peningkatan pesat dalam penjualan adalah karena pengaruh Yoochun anggota kelompok TVXQ yang telah menikmati popularitas yang luar biasa baik di Korea Selatan dan Jepang serta sisa industri musik global Asia.
Sementara itu, saat ini 'SungKyunKwan Scandal' telah selesai pada proses casting dan akan mulai shooting pada tanggal 1 Mei.
source: sisaseoul
trans: sharingyoochun.net
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