100517 Will DBSK Work Together Again Due To Cameron’s 3D-Technology?
Whether or not DBSK, who is on the verge of disbandment, will work together again for James Cameron’s 3D-image technology, has become the focus of attention of the public.
Through a tripartite cooperation amongst SM Entertainment, Samsung Electronics and James Cameron, who is the director of the Hollywood blockbuster movie, Avatar, SM Entertainment will recreate and reproduce the music videos and live concerts of its artistes into 3D-images to be broadcast on worldwide home theatres, and DBSK is among the ranks.
SM’s producer Lee Soo Man participated in the co-signing ceremony held at the Samsung Electronics Head Office in Seocho-dong, Seoul, amongst the three parties, James Cameron, Samsung Electronics and SM Entertainment on 14th May at 11AM. In his explanation regarding the plans of 3D-image production, Lee Soo Man mentioned Girls’ Generation, BoA, Super Junior and DBSK. DBSK’s members Uknow Yunho and Choikang Changmin also attended the co-signing ceremony, saying “It’s an honour to be able to promote our activities through 3D-images” and [they are thus] determined to “give their best efforts to bring forth their best performances for everyone”.
Currently, DBSK’s other three members, Xiah Junsu, Youngwoong JaeJoong and Micky Yoochun, are carrying out their solo activities. Ever since the trio had filed a lawsuit against SM, DBSK seems to be heading down the road of disbandment. However, given that producer Lee Soo Man has mentioned DBSK before the presence of James Cameron in such a formal setting, it has since caught the attention of the public as to whether or not DBSK will be given another opportunity to work together again.
To this issue, a SM spokesperson conveyed, “DBSK is an idol group representative of [South] Korea, and we hope that they will be able to participate in director James Cameron’s 3D research project. However, due to the intensifying conflicts with the three members, the possibility of the five of them taking part in this project seems to be quite low.”
He later added, “SM is currently trying their best to enable DBSK’s five members to come together and carry out activities again. Even if we do not succeed, Uknow Yunho’s and Choikang Changmin’s activities will still be reproduced into 3D-images.”
On the other hand, BoA, Girls’ Generation and other artistes under the management of SM Entertainment will begin their production of 3D-imaging with James Cameron from June onwards. Other than their own concerts and music videos, SMTOWN Concerts, which feature all of SM’s artistes, will also be produced into 3D-images.
Indo translate:
Akankah DBSK bergabung kembali untuk teknologi 3Dnya cameron?
Apakah benar atau tidak dBSK , yang berada di ambang pembubaran, akan bekerja sama lagi untuk teknologi gambar #Dnya james cameron, telah menjadi fokus perhatian publik. Melalui kerjasama tripartit antara SM Entertainment, Samsung Electronics dan James Cameron, yang merupakan direktur dari film blockbuster Hollywood, Avatar, SM Entertainment akan menciptakan dan mereproduksi video musik dan konser live artis ke dalam 3D-gambar yang akan disiarkan di seluaruh bioskop dunia , dan DBSK adalah salah satunya.
produser SM Lee Soo Man berpartisipasi dalam acara Pendatanganan yang berlangsung di Kantor Pusat Samsung Electronics di Seocho-dong, Seoul, di antara tiga pihak, James Cameron, Samsung Electronics dan SM Entertainment pada tanggal 14 Mei pukul 11:00. Dalam penjelasannya tentang rencana produksi 3D-gambar, Lee Soo Man menyebutkan Girl generation, BoA, Super Junior dan DBSK. anggota DBSK's Uknow Yunho dan Choikang Changmin juga menghadiri bersama acara penandatangaan tersebut, mengatakan "Suatu kehormatan untuk dapat mempromosikan kegiatan kami melalui 3D-gambar" dan [mereka demikian] bertekad untuk "memberikan usaha terbaik mereka untuk mendatangkan terbaik kinerja untuk semua orang ".
Saat ini, tiga anggta DBSK lain, Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong JaeJoong dan Micky YooChun, sedang melakukan kegiatan solo mereka. Sejak trio ini telah mengajukan tuntutan hukum terhadap SM, Dbsk tampaknya berada di ambang kehancuran.Namun, mengingat bahwa produser Lee Soo Man telah menyebutkan nama DBSK sebelum kehadiran James Cameron sedemikian formalnya, menangkap perhatian publik apakah benar atau tidak DBSK akan diberikan kesempatan lain untuk bekerja sama lagi.
Untuk masalah ini, juru bicara SM menyampaikan, "DBSK merupakan perwakilan dari grup idola korea selatan, dan kami berharap bahwa mereka akan dapat berpartisipasi dalam proyek penelitian 3Dnya james Cameron. Namun, karena konflik semakin meningkat sejalan dengan tiga anggota, kemungkinan lima dari merekaberkumpul dalam proyek ini tampaknya cukup rendah.
Dia kemudian menambahkan, "SM saat ini mencoba yang terbaik untuk mengaktifkan lima anggota DBSK untu datang ersama-saa dan melakukan kegiatan lagi. Bahkan jika kita tidak berhasil, kegiatan Yunho u-know dan Choikang Chagmin akan direproduksi ke gambar 3D.
"Di sisi lain, BoA, Girl Generation dan artis lainnya di bawah manajemen SM Entertainment akan segera mulai produksi gambar 3Dnya dengan James Cameron dari juni dan seterusnya. Selain konser mereka sendiri dan video musik, SMTown konser, yang menampilkan semua artis SM, juga akan diproduksi dalam 3D-gambar.
Source: JoongAng Ilbo China
Translation: kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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[Info Trans] Will DBSK work together again due to Cameron’s 3D technology?
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