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[Info Trans] TOHOSHINKISTAFF Twitter Updates

  • 21 Mei 2010
  • ips0101

  • For yesterday’s Sunanare, Jaejoong has watched only the preview, since he was shooting during the broadcast time. We will have him watch the whole episode, and afterwards, show him all of your comments~!
    Master XIAH is totally devoting himself for the preparation of the event. He is very serious during the rehearsals, all or nothing. Please support him, too!!

    Indo Translate:

    Untuk Sunanare kemarin, Jaejoong telah melihat cuplikannya, senjak dia syutimg pada selama masa siaran. Kami akan membawanya menonton seluruh episode, dan setelah itu, menunjukkan kepadanya semua ~ komentar Anda! Master Xiah benar-benar mengabdikan dirinya untuk persiapan acara. Dia sangat serius selama latihan, semua atau tidak. Harap mendukung dia, juga!!

    translation:: smiley @
    credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
    Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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