TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho showed off his chic and classic charm in a photoshoot in global fashion magazine ‘Marie Claire’.
U-Know Yunho visited Hong Kong in mid-May in order to partake in the photshoot. It was carried out as an unofficial activity due to safety reasons, but countless numbers of fans showed up wherever he went. It is said that this was the reason why he and the team had to be out at 3 o’clock in the morning to complete their work.
The photos that were taken were released in the July issue of Marie Claire Korea on the 19th. But because of his popularity in Asia, the photos will also be released in the August issue of Marie Claire in Hong Kong, Thailand and other Asian countries. The decision to have U-Know Yunho be the cover model of Thailand’s August issue is also drawing great attention.
In the photoshoot, U-Know Yunho can be seen showing off his chic and classic charm in clean-cut suits. Clothes such as a black suit that reveals the inner part of his collar bone and a two tone, black and gray suit all fit him very well.
On the other hand, U-Know Yunho will transform into a musical actor for the lead role of Prince Lee Shin in the musical ‘Goong’ this September.Indo Translate:
-Anggota TVXQ U-know Yunho memamerkan chicnya dan pesona klasiknya di sebuah pemotretan di majalah fashion global 'Marie Claire'
U-knoe Yunho mengunjungi Hong Kong pada pertengahan Mei dalam rangka ikut serta dalam photshoot tersebut. Ini dilakukan sebagai kegiatan tidak resmi karena alasan keamanan, tetapi tak terhitung banyaknya penggemar yang muncul kemana pun ia pergi. Dikatakan bahwa inilah alasan mengapa ia dan tim harus keluar pada jam 3 pagi untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka.
Foto-foto yang diambil akan dirilis pada bulan Juli dari Marie claire Kore pada tanggal 19. Tetapi karena popularitasnya di Asia, foto-foto juga akan dirilis dalam edisi Agustus Marie Claire di Hong Kong, Thailand dan negara-negara Asia lainnya. Keputusan untuk memlih U-Know Yunho menjadi model sampul edisi Agustus Thailand juga menarik perhatian besar.
Dalam pemotretan, U-Know Yunho dapat dilihat memamerkan pesonanya chic dan klasik dengan setelan rapi. Pakaian seperti baju hitam yang menunjukkan bagian dalam tulang kerah dan dua nada, dan abu-abu jas hitam semuanya cocok dkenakannya dengan baik. Di sisi lain, U-Know Yunho akan berubah menjadi seorang aktor musik untuk peran utama Pangeran Lee Shin dalam 'musik Goong' September ini.
Source: [sportsseoul+DNBN] Translation
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[Trans] 100621 U-Know Yunho’s Fashion Photoshoot To Be Released All Over Asia
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