Group TVXQ’s Member U-Know Yunho (Jung Yunho), who took a dip in the acting industry has now turned his sights to musicals.
U-Know Yunho, who will take on the role of Prince Lee Shin in the musical ‘Goong’, attended the press conference held on the 16th at the Imperial Palace Hotel and said, “I was worried because this is my first musical, but I think it’ll be fine as long as I work hard and do well,” and “Musicals mix dance, music, and acting well and have the charm of being able to express human emotions very clearly. I read the comic books and watched the drama, and I will work to make my own unique version of ‘Goong’.”
U-Know Yunho showed attachment to his role when he said, “Lee Shin is a lonely youth who dreams of breaking away from life, and there were times when I myself dreamed the same things during my career,” and “Lee Shin and I are similar in that both of us aren’t harsh, we’re warm and charming. I will get in touch with my inner Lee Shin and get to know the character more.”
He also said, “I heard that Junsu embodied his character very well. I want to do well too,” and talked about fellow TVXQ member Xiah Junsu, who appeared on stage as a musical actor in ‘Mozart!’ and received praise for his debut into the industry.
Director Song Byung Joon (representative of Group8) stated, “We will of course go all out for the coronation and wedding scenes, but we will not make it completely serious and rigid; we will add a comical and sweet touch to the musical.” He also explained, “We will make this a fusion stage that mixes traditional with modern to show the pains and growth of Lee Shin and his palace life as well as the love that sprouts. We will be adding b-boys to the musical as well to bring a bit of excitement.”
The representatives of the musical had previously stated that there were many inquiries about the musical from in and outside of Korea and they were not wrong. On the day of the press conference, numerous Japanese fans swarmed to the location and proved once more how popular U-Know Yunho was in Asia.
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Anggota grup TVXQ U-Know Yunho (Jung Yunho), yang mengambil dip dalam industri perfileman sekarang berpaling pandangannya ke musikal. U-Know, yang akan mengambil peran Pangeran Lee Shin dalam musik 'Goong', menghadiri konferensi pers yang diadakan pada tanggal 16 di Imperial Palace Hotel dan berkata, "Aku khawatir karena ini adalah acara musikal pertama saya, tapi saya pikir itu akan baik-baik selama aku kerja keras dan melakukannya dengan baik," dan "percampuran Musikal tari, musik, dan berakting dengan baik dan memiliki pesona untuk dapat mengekspresikan emosi manusia dengan sangat jelas. Saya membaca buku-buku komik dan menonton drama, dan saya akan bekerja untuk membuat versi sendiri yang unik untuk acara 'Goong'. "
U-Know Yunho menunjukkan temtang perannya ketika dia berkata, "Shin Lee adalah seorang pemuda kesepian yang bercita-cita melepaskan diri dari kehidupan, dan ada saat-saat aku sendiri bermimpi hal yang sama selama karir saya, "Lee Shin dan aku sangat mirip, kami hangat dan menarik. Saya akan lebih mengenal karakter lee shin lebih baik.
"Dia juga berkata," Saya mendengar bahwa Junsu juga perah berpern dengan baik. Aku ingin melakukan dengan baik pula, dan berbicara tentang sesama anggota TVXQ Xiah Junsu, yang muncul di atas panggung sebagai aktor musik di 'Mozart!" dan menerima pujian untuk debut-nya industri tersebut.
Direktur Song Byung Joon (wakil dari Group8) menyatakan, "Kami tentu saja akan pergi bersama2 untuk penobatan dan adegan pernikahan, tapi kami tidak akan membuatnya benar-benar serius dan kaku, kami akan menambahkan sentuhan jenaka dan manis dengan musik." Dia juga menjelaskan, "Kami akan membuat tahap ini perpaduan yang mixes antara tradisional dengan modern untuk menunjukkan rasa sakit dan pertumbuhan Lee Shin dan kehidupan istananya serta kasih sayang yang ada. Kami juga akan menambahkan b-boy sebagai musik yang membawa sedikit kegembiraan.
"perwakilan musik sebelumnya juga menyatakan bahwa ada banyak pertanyaan mengenai musik dari dalam dan luar Korea dan mereka tidak salah. Pada hari konferensi pers, fans Jepang menyerbu ke berbagai lokasi dan membuktikan sekali lagi seberapa populer U-Know Yunho di Asia.
source: [cbs culture+DNBN]
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[Trans] 100616 U-Know Yunho “I Heard That Xiah Junsu Did Well In His Musical… I Want To Do Well Too”
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