Yoochun’s first TV series in Japan, “Beautiful Love ~君がいれば~” starts airing through BeeTV in early June. The drama is about a handsome chaebol roled by Yoochun and Omasa Aya as a journalist dreaming to be a novelist, from their confrontations, gradually they start to understand each other, a kind of Cinderella love story.
Even since the first day of video release, the number of download of this drama has been breaking the previous record by gaining 250,000 downloads, and together with “Making off ~ Beautiful Love ~” the drama has set a record to be the most viewed video for 4 consecutive days, definitely garnering its popularity!
Yoochun with his own unique charm that is different from his bright performance on stage as a singer, as an actor identity, he has delivered a natural acting skills, creating topics/sensation.
Meanwhile, the drama’s theme song “Kimi ga Ireba ~ Beautiful Love” and inserted song “Intoxication” is sung by Yoochun’s group mate Junsu and are included in XIAH Junsu’s first solo album. The album has recorded more than 200,000 copies sold.Indo Translate:
Serial TV Pertama yoochun di Jepang, "Beautiful Love ~君がいれば~" mulai ditayangkan di BeeTV pada awal Juni. drama ini adalah tentang seorang lelaki tmpan zang diperankan Yoochun dan Omasa Aya sebagai wartawan bermimpi untuk menjadi novelis, dari konfrontasi mereka, perlahan-lahan mereka mulai saling memahami, semacam kisah cinta Cinderella.
Bahkan sejak hari pertama video dirilis, jumlah download drama ini telah memecahkan rekor sebelumnya dengan memperoleh 250.000 download, dan bersama-sama dengan "pembuatan film Beautiful Love " drama telah memecahkan rekor menjadi video paling banyak dilihat selama 4 hari berturut-turut, pasti mengumpulkan popularitas !
Yoochun dengan daya tarik yang unik yang berbeda dari performa yang cerah di atas panggung sebagai penyanyi, sebagai seorang aktor, dia telah menyampaikan keterampilan dalam berakting, menciptakan topik / sensasi.
Sementara itu, drama tema lagu "Kimi ga Ireba ~ Beautiful Love "yang disisipkan dari lagu Intoxication "yang dinyanyikan oleh anggota grupnya yoochun, JunSu dan termasuk dalam album solo pertamanya Xiah Junsu. Album ini telah tercatat lebih dari 200.000 eksemplar terjual.
source: Japan network + baidu
trans: sharingyoochun.net
Shared: ips0101
[News] Getting popularity, Yoochun Japanese TV Drama Series Gained 250,000 Downloads Record on Its First Day
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