Tohoshinki members Junsu, Jejung and Yuchun, whose group has currently paused all activities, held the final leg of theirDome Tour on June 13th at Tokyo Dome.
◆Junsu, Jejung, Yuchun’s Photo Gallery@2010.06.13Tokyo Dome
This Dome tour was spread between two locations, Tokyo Dome and Kyocera Dome, and had four performances in total. There were over one million applications for tickets to all four concerts. They set a record for the biggest audience at the Kyocera Dome legs, held on June 5th and 6th, with 46,000 people showing up per day; this was a performance Tohoshinki fans had been waiting for.
At the Tokyo Dome performance, which attracted 54,000 fans, the starting time passed and the opening video began. After each member spoke of their current plans on video, the three appeared from different sides and walked towards the center of the stage. There was no sound other than the loud cheers from the over 50,000 people who were there. And then the three reached the center stage. Jejung began with their new song, a medium tempo ballad titled “何時だって君に (For you, Always)”. Not one of them were smiling. However, it seemed as though their eyes were filled with happiness and gratefulness at being able to meet with their fans once more.
“We are happy that so many people came today like always. We will work as hard as we can, so please help us liven up the atmosphere.” – Junsu
“Are you well? This is Yuchun. Yes, I want to work hard till the end of… (Looks at the other members)? Don’t laugh. (Laughter) Please enjoy the performance till the end.” – Yuchun
“Hello everyone, this is Jejung. Are you well? We’ve come all the way from Osaka, and reached Tokyo Dome safely. We are thankful to see so many people here today. Many came to support us so we will smile in return. Enjoy the performance till the end.” – JejungDuring the live performances, the crowd would cheer every time the members’ gazes hit them as Jejung, Junsu and Yuchun moved around. On stage, Junsu interrogated Yuchun about the fact that, “During the drama shoot, you kissed(Aya Oomasa) without it being in the script”. The three replayed the best scenes from their dramas and made the audience laugh during their talks.
The three sang three new songs ‘君のために(For You)’, ‘Get Ready’, and ‘Long Way’, Junsu sang a song from his single “XIAH” which was released on May 26th, and the JEJUNG & YUCHUN duo sang both songs from their single “COLORS ~Melody and Harmony~/Shelter”. Yuchun & Jejung each sang a solo, and the three sang covers of J-POP songs, Hideaki Tokunaga’s ‘Rainy Blue’ and Kome Kome Club’s ‘君がいるだけで (As long as you’re here)’. During the cover of m-flo’s ‘Been so Long’, LISA appeared on stage as a guest and the four of them had the whole place fired up.
Yuchun chose 15-year-old Miki out of over 50,000 fans to sing ‘My Girlfriend’ to, inducing loud screams from the other females present as he placed his arm around her shoulder, held her hand and knelt as he presented her with flowers. Jejung’s rock solo ‘Maze’ covered the Dome in lasers, and the wind coming from below Jejung’s feet fired up the audience’s red glow (red is Tohoshinki’s color) even more. Junsu showed off a perfect dance performance with his song ‘XIAHTIC’ and showed off his muscles in a tank top as he danced seductively with female backdancers. The three sang eighteen songs, including an encore, for around three hours with 12 dancers, five band members and 70 support dancers.
“When it was decided that this performance would happen, I believe that you all decided to come here hoping to see our smiling faces rather than to hear our sad and unfortunate stories. On the first day in Osaka, because there were only three people on stage, I fought to hold back the tears I’d been storing from all the hard, sad things that have happened and all the things we haven’t been able to tell you. When we let out all our emotions at Osaka, it was so sad to see your crying faces, and I thought, “I shouldn’t cry in front of everyone.” I feel it is better to leave the stage as a place where we can show ourselves singing, dancing and enjoying our time there. Just being able to look you in the eye, see your smiling faces makes this Live so meaningful. I want to hold that pure emotion, that is like your smiling faces, and carry it with me as I sing with you by my side.” – Jejung
The three who said, “We shouldn’t show any tears on stage,” finished their final farewells and left the stage. As soon as they got off stage, they said, “We were happy,” with fat tears rolling down their cheeks.
And there is good news for those who could not make it to the dome tour. So that the three can send their gratitude to more people, the digest video of
, which attracted 200,000 people in four days, will be available on mu-mo, NICONICO Videos and Myspace USTREAM for free. Furthermore, there is no need to log in to watch the video on NICONICO videos. This means that anyone can watch the video.
Digest Video Schedule
June 16th 9:00 pm
June 17th 1:00 pm
June 18th 9:00 pm
June 19th 1:00 pm / 9:00 pm
June 20th 1:00 pm / 9:00 pm
Indo Translate:
Anggota Tohoshinki Junsu, Jejung dan Yuchun, yang saat ini berhenti sementara semua kegiatannya dari grup, akhirnya berada dalam Tur Dme
pada 13 Juni di Tokyo Dome. ◆Junsu, Jejung, Yuchun’s Photo Gallery@2010.06.13
Tokyo Dome Tur Dome ini tersebar di antara dua lokasi, Tokyo Dome dan Kyocera Dome, dan memiliki total empat pertunjukan. Ada lebih dari satu juta aplikasi tiket ke empat konser. Mereka memecahkan rekor untuk penonton terbesar di Kyocera Dome, diselenggarakan pada tanggal 5 dan 6, dengan 46.000 orang muncul per hari, ini adalah kinerja fans Tohoshinki yang telah menunggu.
Di Tokyo Dome, yang menarik 54.000 penggemar , waktu dimulai dengan pembukaan video. Setelah setiap anggota berbicara tentang rencana mereka saat di video, ketiganya muncul dari sisi yang berbeda dan berjalan menuju tengah panggung. Tidak ada suara lain dari sorakan nyaring lebih dari 50.000 orang yang ada di sana. Dan kemudian ketiganya sampai di tengah stage. Jejung mulai dengan lagu baru mereka, dengan tempo balada berjudul "何 時 だって 君 に (For you, Always)". Tak satu pun dari mereka tersenyum. Namun, tampaknya seolah-olah mata mereka penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan terima kasihNamun, tampaknya seolah-olah mata mereka penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan bersyukur karena bisa bertemu dengan penggemar mereka sekali lagi.
"Kami senang begitu banyak orang datang hari ini seperti biasa. Kami akan bekerja keras sampai akhir acara, jadi bantulah kami menghidupkan suasananya -. "Junsu"
Apakah Anda baik-baik? Ini Yuchun. Ya, saya ingin bekerja keras sampai akhir ... (Mengamati anggota lain)? Jangan tertawa. (Tertawa) Silakan menikmati kinerja kami sampai akhir -. "Yuchun"
Halo semua, ini Jejung. apa kamu baik2 saja? Kami telah datang jauh-jauh dari Osaka, dan mencapai Tokyo Dome dengan aman. kami bersyukur melihat begitu banyak orang di sini hari ini. Banyak yang datang untuk mendukung kami sehingga kami akan tersenyum kembali. Nikmati kinerja kami sampai akhir "-. JejungSelama pertunjukan live, orang-orang akan bersorak setiap kali menatap para anggota setiap kali menyunyikan hit mereka seperti Jejung, Junsu dan Yuchun berkeliling. Di atas panggung, Junsu diinterogasi Yuchun tentang fakta bahwa, "Selama syuting drama, kamu mencium (Aya Oomasa) tanpa berada di script". Ketiga mengulas kebali tentang drama terbaik mereka dan membuat tertawa audiens dalam pembicaraan mereka itu.
keTiganya menyanyikan tiga lagu baru '君のために(For You)', 'Get Ready', dan 'Long Way', Junsu menyanyikan lagu dari singlenya "Xiah" yang dirilis pada 26 Mei dan JEJUNG & YUCHUN duo menyanyikan dua lagu dari single mereka~ “COLORS ~Melody and Harmony~/Shelter”. Yuchun & Jejung masing-masing bernyanyi solo, dan ketiganya menyanyikan sampul lagu J-POPnya Hideaki Tokunaga "Rainy Blue" dan 'kome kome Club 君 が いる だけ で (As long as you’re here)'. Selama penutup lagu m-flo' 'Been so Long', LISA muncul di panggung sebagai tamu dan keempat dari mereka membuat seluruh tempat bersemangat.Yuchun memilih Miki 15 tahun lebih dari 50.000 penggemar untuk menyanyikan "My Girlfriend 'untuk, mendukung keras jeritan dari perempuan lain yang hadir saat ia meletakkan tangannya di pundaknya, memegang tangannya dan berlutut sambil membawa bunga. solo lagu rock Jejung 'Maze' menutupi Dome dengan laser, dan angin datang dari bawah kaki Jejung bersemangat cahaya merah penonton (merah adalah warna Tohoshinki) bahkan lebih. Junsu memamerkan pertunjukan tari yang sempurna dengan lagunya 'XIAHTIC' dan memperlihatkan otot-ototnya dalam tank top sambil menari menggoda dengan backdancers perempuan. Tiga menyanyikan delapan belas lagu, termasuk encore, selama sekitar tiga jam dengan 12 penari, lima anggota band dan 70 penari pendukung.
"Ketika diputuskan bahwa petunjukan ini akan terjadi, saya percaya bahwa Anda semua memutuskan untuk datang ke sini berharap untuk melihat wajah kami tersenyum daripada mendengar cerita sedih kami dan disayangkan. Pada hari pertama di Osaka, karena hanya ada tiga orang di atas panggung, aku berusaha menahan air mata saya sudah berusaha keras menyimpannya, hal-hal menyedihkan yang telah terjadi dan semua hal yang kita belum bisa mengatakan kepada kalian semua. Ketika kita membiarkan semua emosi kita di Osaka, sangat sedih melihat wajah Anda menangis, dan saya pikir, "Aku tidak menangis di depan semua orang" saya merasa lebih baik untuk meninggalkan panggung sebagai tempat Di mana kita dapat menunjukkan diri kita bernyanyi, menari dan menikmati waktu kita di sana. Hanya bisa melihat kalian di dalam mata, melihat wajah kalian tersenyum membuat Live ini sangat berarti. Aku ingin emegang terus emosi murni ini, seperti wajah kalian tersenyum, dan membawanya saat aku bernyanyi dengan kalian di sisiku "-. Jejung
Ketiganya mengatakan, "Kami tidak akan menampilkan air mata apapun lagi di panggung," selesai perpisahan terakhir mereka dan meninggalkan panggung. Begitu mereka turun dari panggung, mereka berkata, "Kami sangat senang," dengan air mata mengalir di pipi mereka.
Dan ada kabar baik bagi mereka yang tidak bisa ke tur dome. Jadi bahwa ketiga dapat mengirim terima kasih kepada lebih banyak orang, ringkasan video, Yang menarik 200.000 orang dalam empat hari, akan tersedia pada mu-mo, NICONICO Video dan Myspace Ustream gratis. Selain itu, tidak ada harus log in untuk menonton video pada video NICONICO. Ini berarti bahwa siapa pun dapat menonton videonya.
Digest Video Schedule
June 16th 9:00 pm
June 17th 1:00 pm
June 18th 9:00 pm
June 19th 1:00 pm / 9:00 pm
June 20th 1:00 pm / 9:00 pm
Source: [barks+DNBN]
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[Trans] 100613 The Tokyo Dome Performance “Just Being Able To See Your Smiling Faces Makes This Live Meaningful”
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