credit: kawita@pantip+niki18 @ soompi
[Trans] JaeJoong’s Fluency in Japanese Improves Constantly
[ 日就月将 - Achievement everyday, improvement every month, describing the speedy development, continuous advancement, amassing over a long period of time
- Taken from the 'Poetry,' 日就月将,学有缉熙于光明。]TVXQ member Kim JaeJoong has attracted much attention through his recent Japanese drama series ‘Sunao ni Narenakute’ with his fluent Japanese skill.
JaeJoong is currently in the Fuji TV drama series ‘Sunao ni Narenakute’ where he portrays a salesman for a company that sells medical equipment. He has received lot of compliments for a language skill that is almost at the same level as of those who have Japanese as their mother tongue.
The comments by most of the Japanese viewers who watch ‘Sunao ni Narenakute’ expressed, “As compared to TVXQ’s language skill when they first debuted in Japan, the improvement of JaeJoong’s Japanese is really shocking.”
The ‘Today Star News’ which was aired on 29th of May praised JaeJoong that, “His fluent Japanese is not the least bit inferior to the other Japanese actors.”
An insider expressed that five years ago during TVXQ’s debut activities, JaeJoong can only use the basic Japanese to communicate, his ability described as ‘barely enough for communication.’ However, the JaeJoong today is able to express himself freely in daily conversation, and he has improved tremendously.
Now, the past comment of “JaeJoong’s acting in ‘Sunao ni Narenakute’ is relatively indifferent” has been replaced by “Even with influential Japanese actors or actresses like Ueno Juri, he is able to perform well without any inferior or retrogress” kind of remarks.
Indo Translate:
[ 日就月将 - Prestasi sehari-hari, perbaikan setiap bulan, yang menggambarkan perkembangan cepat, kemajuan terus menerus, mengumpulkan selama jangka waktu yang panjang - Diambil dari 'Puisi' 日就月将,学有缉熙于光明。]
TVXQ anggota Kim JaeJoong telah menarik banyak perhatian melalui serangkaian drama Jepang baru-baru ini 'Sunao ni Narenakute' dengan keterampilan fasih berbahasa Jepang-nya.
JaeJoong dalam seri drama Fuji TV 'Sunao ni Narenakute' di mana ia menggambarkan seorang salesman untuk perusahaan yang menjual medis peralatan. Dia telah menerima banyak pujian untuk kefasihan bahasanya yang hampir sama pada lever orang jepang itu sendiri.
Komentar yang sebagian banyak sari para penonton 'Sunao ni Narenakute' menyatakan, "Jika dibandingkan dengan keterampilan bahasa TVXQ ketika mereka pertama debut di Jepang, peningkatan bahasa Jepang JaeJoong benar-benar mengejutkan. "Pada 'Today Star News "yang ditayangkan pada 29 Mei memuji JaeJoong bahwa," Kefasihannya berbahasa Jepang tidak jauh berbeda dengan aktor bahasa yang biasa digunakan oleh aktor jepang lainnya.
Seseorang menyatakan bahwa lima tahun yang lalu selama debut TVXQ melakukan kegiatan, JaeJoong hanya dapat berbicara dasar2nya saja untuk berkomunikasi, kemampuannya saat itu digambarkan seperti 'hampir tidak bisa untuk komunikasi'. " Namun, JaeJoong hari ini mampu mengekspresikan dirinya secara bebas dalam percakapan sehari-hari, dan dia sangat meningkat cepat.
Sekarang, komentar yang masa lalu "JaeJoong akting di 'Sunao ni Narenakute' relatif acuh tak acuh" telah digantikan oleh "Bahkan dengan aktor atau aktris Jepang berpengaruh seperti Ueno Juri, ia mampu melakukan dengan baik tanpa inferior atau mundur "salah satu komentar.
source: StarNews + BaiduTVXQ
translation: sshutingg @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Pic] Jaejoong Fanarts
[Pic] Stalking Yunho part 2
[Video] Junsu- Kanashimi No Yukue a cappella
credit: mochikoooh
[Trans] Tohoshinki Yoochun’s Shocking Kiss?!
Stopping all group activities at the peak of their popularity, solo activities have started for Tohoshinki member Yoochun, playing the main role in the drama “Beautiful Love~Kimi ga Ireba~.” Before the show starts airing on the 4th of June, a shocking photo has been released to the public.In this drama, Yoochun plays the role of a rich Korean businessman’s son Yonsu, and Aya Oomasa is a journalist who dreams of being an author, Hinata. They meet by chance and this starts a Cinderella type love story. The kiss scene happens later when they start having feelings for each other, and there is another love scene, which is making the fans anxious.
Yoochun’s Japanese debut drama “Beautiful Love~Kimi ga Ireba~” will begin airing on Yoochun’s 24th birthday, on the mobile phone-only channel BeeTV (Airs every Wednesday, 10 minutes per episode, total of 12 episodes). Also, Yoochun will join Tohoshinki’s Junsu and Jaejoong on the 5th and 6th of June at Kyocera Dome, and 12th and 13th of June at Tokyo Dome, for the event titled [JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME.]
Indo Translate:
Menghentikan semua kegiatan kelompok di puncak popularitas mereka, kegiatan solo sudah mulai untuk member Tohoshinki YooChun, memainkan peran utama dalam drama "Beutiful Love ~ Kimi ga Ireba ~" Sebelum acara ini mulai ditayangkan pada tanggal 4 Juni. suatu yang mengejutkan berupa foto telah beredar ke publik.
[Video] Sunao Ni Narenakute EP 7
2010-05-28 (Fri)
“TOHOSHINKI REQEST SPECIAL” Midterm Annoucement (2)
I will introduce to you the top 10 as of May 28 (Fri), 17:00.
The request will be until May 31 (T/N: Japan time), so please inform to your family and friends. And of course, to the Tohoshinki fans.(1) 呪文-MIROTIC-
(2) Purple Line~Doushite Kimiwo Sukini Natte Shimattanndarou?(59th Kouhaku)
(3) Love in the Ice
(4) Asuwa Kurukara(Haru-Uta version)
(5) Survivor
(6) Choosey Lover(MJ)
(7) Choosey Lover(Koi-Uta version)
(8) Bolero(Kayou Concert version)
(9) Bolero(MJ)
(10)Step by StepThese are the current results.
I think I can get the reason why the top ranking songs were selected.
Indo Translate:
(Jum) 28-05-2010
"TOHOSHINKI REQEST KHUSUS" Pengumuman midterm(2)
Saya akan memperkenalkan kepada Anda 10 besar pada Mei 28 (Jumat), jam 17:00. Permintaan akan ada sampai 31 Mei (T / N: waktu Jepang), jadi harap menginformasikan kepada keluarga dan teman-teman anda. Dan tentu saja, untuk para fans Tohoshinki.(1) 呪文-MIROTIC-
(2) Purple Line~Doushite Kimiwo Sukini Natte Shimattanndarou?(59th Kouhaku)
(3) Love in the Ice
(4) Asuwa Kurukara(Haru-Uta version)
(5) Survivor
(6) Choosey Lover(MJ)
(7) Choosey Lover(Koi-Uta version)
(8) Bolero(Kayou Concert version)
(9) Bolero(MJ)
(10)Step by StepIni adalah hasil yang sudah ada.
Saya kira saya bisa mendapatkan alasan mengapa lagu-lagu top ranking ini dipilih.source: MUSIC JAPAN
translation: smiley @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Trans] JunSu’s Message After Music Station
It was very fun today.
Thank you very much.
XIAH junsuIndo Translate:
Hari ini sangat menyenangkan
Terimaasih banyak2010.5.28
XIAH junsu
source: Music Station
translation: linhkawaii @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Video] Junsu at Music Station
credit: okimiyu33
[Video] XIAH Junsu – Excite Music
credit: fandamrlvtvxq
[News] “XIAH” on Oricon Singles Chart’s 2nd Day
100527 Day 2 of Oricon charts
*1 49,477 AKB48
*2 34,352 XIAH junsu
*3 *7,953 嵐
*4 Lia/ 타다 아오이
*5 사타안다기
*7 히카와 키요시
*8 니시노 카나
*9 야쿠시마루에츠코
10 moumoon118,510 + 34,352 = 152,862
Shared by: frekasworld@soompi
[News] Jaejoong and AVEX Executive, a Comical Topic Showsdown
Funny picture of TVXQ Jaejoong was uploaded on line.
The Jaejoong picture was from Japanese agency AVEX, vice president Ryohei Chiba’s twitter. Along with the picture, there was a line stating that Jaejoong came to his party and they fought to do push-ups at which Jaejoong succeed to defeat him.
Ryohei wrote, “I’m drunk now. Jaejoong is awesome. I lost at one hand push up by 35 to 40″ as he said expressing his regret of losing.
Indo Translate:
Gambar lucu dari TVXQ Jaejoong yang diupload on ine.
Gambar Jaejoong dari agen Avex Jepang, wakil presiden Ryohei Chiba's twitter. Seiring dengan gambar, ada garis yang menyatakan bahwa Jaejoong datang ke pesta dan mereka berjuang untuk melakukan push-up di mana Jaejoong berhasil mengalahkanya.
Ryohei menulis, "Aku mabuk sekarang. Jaejoong is awesome. Aku kalah di push up yang ke 40 "saat ia berkata mengungkapkan penyesalannya kalah.The next day, he tweeted again, “Regrading the push up challenge I had before. It’s a shame.” he mentioned the subject to public, “But I am going to the gym today and work out.”
[Trans] Bigeast Email – JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN participate in a-nation’10
Bigeast のみなさん、こんにちは!
「a-nation’10 powered by ウイダーinゼリー」に
(PC/Mobile共通)Bigeast 事務局
2010/5/28送信Indo Translate:
Hello Everyone in Bigeast!
JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN is going to participate in the summer outdoor festival “a-nation’10 powered by Weider in Jelly”
The date and tickets and for more detailed information
please check a-nation’s official site.
(PC/Mobile共通)Bigeast 事務局
2010-05-27 (Kamis) 08:27:20
Nama itu adalah untuk ~
nama CJeS ... nama Itu bukan untuk unit baru;
di website resmi untuk unit baru Ada nama CJeS...
Kami sedang membicarakan hal itu dengan teman-teman... ...
Apakah ini nama perusahaan baru untuk unit baru?
Kita tidak bisa melihat nama SM ...
Sumber dari situs resmi unit baru.Sisi belakand sari sampul CD Xiah JUnsu.
Terlihat nama CJeS, bukan SM.
Untuk referensi Anda, ini adalah Sampulnya Share The World.BREAK OUT!
source: chara1019
translation: smiley @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Video] Sunao Ni Narenakute EP 8 Preview
credit: TheJJHero2
[Vid+Pic] Stalking Yoochun
credit: JungColleencredit: 100480691
[Trans] Notteke Radio’s Blog, What Japanese Words Has JunSu Memorized Recently?
The guest for today 5/27 XIAH junsu-san whom everyone has been waiting for ☆
Today’s guest is XIAH junsu-san who is greatly popular right now ☆
Even though his face is small, his muscles are really something!! As expected, those muscles can only come from training!JunSu is a very sociable person who has good sense of humors, and he gives you a very good atmosphere.
Although he just came from a business meeting, he came here with a smile, and during the broadcast, he was firmly answering every questions asked by Terry-san and Taihei-san.The song that is used for his solo debut is a wonderful song that is flooded with the charm JunSu’s matured sexiness.
It was also introduced at Girls Awards 2010 the other day!
He said, “It’s been a long time since I stood in front of fans, and to hear to much cheering and supports from them, I got very touched” ♪The 3 Japanese words that JunSu has memorized recently are…
“Ogoru”, “Akaji – Kuroji”, and “Kyoushuku desu” (LOL)
- Ogoru: be proud
- Akaji - Kuroji: deficit, balance
- Kyoushuku desu: it's very kind of you]
Particularly, it seems like he just memorized “Kyoushuku desu” and “Ogoru” yesterday.
He was using those 2 words so many times today. LOL
He said since he didn’t know how to respond when people praised him, he learned those words.
It’s amazing how he keeps learning every day.-Information of “XIAH” single omitted-
One is a cool song and the other is a heartrending one. Since they are both wonderful songs, please check them out.
T/N: You can listen to the radio appearance here: [1] & [2]
Indo Translate:
Tamu hari ini 27/05 Xiah Junsu-san yang telah ditunggu banyak orang
Tamu hari ini adalah Xiah Junsu-san yang sangat populer sekarang ☆ Meskipun wajahnya kecil, otot-ototnya benar-benar seperti..! Seperti yang diharapkan, otot-otot yag hanya bisa deilakkan dengan letihani!
JunSu adalah orang yang bergaul dengan sangat bak dan mempuntai selera humor yang tinggi, dan dia memberikan Anda suasana yang sangat baik. Meskipun ia baru saja datang dari sebuah pertemuan bisnis, dia datang ke sini dengan senyum, dan selama siaran, ia tegas menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh Terry-san dan Taihei-san.Lagu yang digunakan untuk debut solonya adalah sebuah lagu indah yang dibanjiri dengan pesona yang ada dari keseksian JunSu. Ini juga diperkenalkan di Girls Awards 2010 hari lain! Dia berkata, "Sudah lama aku berdiri di depan fans, dan banyak mendengar untuk sorak dan dukungan dari mereka, aku sangat terharu "♪
Ada 3 kata epang yang Junsu telah hafalkan baru-baru ini adalah" Ogoru "," Akaji - Kuroji ", dan" Kyoushuku desu "(LOL)
[T / N:
- Ogoru: bangga
- Akaji - Kuroji: defisit, Seimbang
- Kyoushuku desu: ini sangat baik untukmu
Khususnya, Sepertinya ia hanya menghafalkan "Kyoushuku desu" dan "Ogoru" kemarin.Dia menggunakan 2 kata-kata ini berulang kali hari ini. LOL
Katanya karena ia tidak tahu bagaimana merespons ketika orang-orang memujinya,
ia belajar kata-kata ini..
Sungguh menakjubkan bagaimana dia terus belajar setiap hari
-Informasi "Xiah" dihilangkan-
Merupaka sebuah lagu keren dan yang lainnya adalah yg menyayat hati . Sejak mereka membuat lagu indah, angan lupa menyaksikan mereka.T/N: Kamu Juga dapat mendengar siaran radio mereka disini: [1] & [2]
source: Notteke Radio’s Blog
translation: linhkawaii @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Trans] Yoochun’s First Challenge In Acting
“SungKyunKwan Scandal” will begin its filming from today onwards.
Starring DBSK’s Park Yoochun as the lead actor, alongside Song Joong Gi, Yoo Ah-in and other good-looking actors, the first filming session for “SungKyunKwan Scandal” has begun on the 27th.
“SungKyunKwan Scandal” is a youthful and romantic historical drama. It is based in Sung Kyun Kwan back in the olden Korea times. The appearance of the quartet in this drama has been compared to the F4 in 『花样男子~Boys Over Flowers』 and is currently the focus of much attention.
In “SungKyunKwan Scandal”, due to the weak health of her younger brother, the female lead takes part in an examination disguised as a boy and ends up being enrolled into Sung Kyun Kwan due to the outstanding results obtained. She later meets the three characters played by Yoochun, Song Joong Gi and Yoo Ah-in, triggering the start of a campus love story.
With Yoochun as the lead actor, the filming journey of this youthful romantic drama has taken its first step with its first filming session on the 27th at someplace in Gyeonggi Province. Today’s filming is about a scene where a freshly-enrolled Syeonjun appears in a street in Bukchon to solve a confidential imperial decree which he had received. It was said that after Yoochun had accepted his role, he has been analyzing the character and pracitising his performance. Yoochun also expressed that he looked forward to meeting Yun Hee (the name of the female lead). He was unable to sleep the night before the filming and he felt nervous while preparing for the first session of filming.
A spokesperson of the production company of “SungKyunKwan Scandal” expressed that due to everyone’s concern, all the actors and crew members began the first session of filming with a boost in their morale. He added on to say, “We hope that everyone will continue to give their endless love and support towards this excellent production.”
Indo Translate:
"SungKyunKwan Scandal" akan memula filmnya hari ini dan seterusnya.
Yang di bintangi oleh Park Yoochun sebagai aktor utama, bersama Song Joong Gi, Yoo Ah-in dan aktor tampan lain, sesi film pertama untuk "SungKyunKwan Scandal" dimulai pada tanggal 27.
[Video] Junsu at Terry To Taihei Notteke rajio
credit: okimiyu33
[Video] bayfm 『BAYLINE GO! GO!
credit: okimiyu33
[Video] bayfm 『RADIO SURPRISE!!
credit: okimiyu33
[Trans] Junsu’s Radio Appearance Information Updates
5/27 (Thursday) 13:00~15:30 Japanese Broadcast 『テリーとたい平 のってけラジオ』 (Kanto Local Program)
5/28 (Friday) 19:00~21:00 bayfm 『ANSWER』(Kanto Local Program)
5/29 (Saturday) 20:00~20:30 TOKYOFM 『TOKYOTOWERpresentsDIAMONDVEIL』
5/30 (Sunday) 22:00~22:54 J-WAVE 『FrancfrancSCENARIOF』
6/5 (Thursday) 21:30~21:55 TOKYOFM 『AllForYusupportedbyLake』
6/6 (Saturday) 18:00~18:54 『ASIENCESPIRITOFASIA』Introduction
[JAPANFMLEAGUENetwork] Board 5
J-WAVE (Tokyo)
ZIP-FM (Aichi)
FM802 (Osaka)
CROSSFM (Fukuoka)6/9 (Wednesday) 21:00~21:25 bayfm 『ON8』
source: XIAHTIC + BaiduTVXQ
translation: tvxqhwaiting @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[Pic] Beautiful Love – Yoochun
[Pic]Paradise Ranch Update
credit: sosopi
[Pic] Xiah Junsu – XIAH CD Single Cover
[Pic+Vid] 100525 Junsu FM Yokohama Tre-Sen
[Video] Intoxication Xiah Junsu offshot Movie
credit: aachaaann
[Trans + Pic] Xiah Junsu Secretly Gives Autographs!
XIAH Junsu is secretly signing autograph on CD!!On May 26th, as it’s the release of XIAH Junsu’s single ‘XIAH’, Junsu in person with a full gratitude to everyone buying the single, gives a surprise of autographs onto 500 CDs! You’re lucky if you’re able to get it! Enjoy!
Indo Translate:
Pada 26 Mei, Untuk perilisan single 'Xiah'nya Hiah Junsu, Junsu secara pribadi dengan penuh rasa syukur kepada semua orang membeli, memberikan satu kejutan dari 500 tanda tangan ke CD! Anda beruntung jika Anda bisa mendapatkannya! Met meNikmati!
credit: toho-jp
trans + shared by:
[Info Trans] Bigeast Message Bout XIAH Junsu Shooting Report
In April, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom,
there was a shooting for the cover of Xiah Junsu’s solo single in the studio in Tokyo.It’s been a while since we met him, but he got sunburned and became more manly.When the shooting started, he strike the poses and we thought “he is a real charisma!”
He greatly shortened the schedule time of the shooting of the cover!
The concept, music production and clothes etc…everything was produced by Junsu!He always does his best, but this time he especially put his effort!!!
He gave us some ideas with staffs during the shooting.
Please look forward for JunsuBigeast Staff
Indo Translate:
Pada bulan April, saat bunga sakura sedang mekar, ada gambar untuk sampul single xiah junsu di studio Tokyo.
udah lama sejak kami bertemu dia tapi dia semangat dan menjadi lebih jantan.Ketika pemotretan di mulai, ia berpose dan kami pikir "dia sangat berkharisma!"
Dia mempunyai jadwal waktu pemotretan sampul yang singkat! dari konsep, produksi musik, sampaii ke costum semuanya di buat oleh junsu sendiri.
Dia selalu melakukan yang terbaik, tapi kali ini khususnya ia meletakkan semua usahanya!! Dia memberikan kepada kita beberapa ide selama proses pemotretan. Teruslah melihat JunsuStaf Bigeast
trans by: Hiromi@sharingyoochun

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Blog Archive
Mei 28
- [Trans] Tohoshinki Yoochun’s Shocking Kiss?!
- [Video] Sunao Ni Narenakute EP 7
- [Trans] JunSu’s Message After Music Station
- [Video] Junsu at Music Station
- [Video] XIAH Junsu – Excite Music
- [News] “XIAH” on Oricon Singles Chart’s 2nd Day
- [News] Jaejoong and AVEX Executive, a Comical Topi...
- [Trans] Bigeast Email – JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN parti...
- Tanpa judul
- [Video] Sunao Ni Narenakute EP 8 Preview
- [Vid+Pic] Stalking Yoochun
Mei 27
- [Trans] Notteke Radio’s Blog, What Japanese Words ...
- [Trans] Yoochun’s First Challenge In Acting
- [Video] Junsu at Terry To Taihei Notteke rajio
- [Video] bayfm 『BAYLINE GO! GO!
- [Video] bayfm 『RADIO SURPRISE!!
- [Pic] Stalking Yoochun
- [Trans] Junsu’s Radio Appearance Information Updates
- [Pic] Beautiful Love – Yoochun
- [Pic]Paradise Ranch Update
Mei 28