Today, at the “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” poster shoot and press conference, Park Min Young repeatedly exposed funny stories about Micky Yoochun, to such an extent that he tried to take the microphone away.
Indo Translate:
Hari ini, di acara pemotretan dan konferensi pers Sungkyunkwan Skandal , Park Min Young mengeluarkan banyak cerita lucu tentang Micky YooChun, sedemikian rupa sehingga dia mencoba mengambil mikrofonnya.
Picture 1: (Laughs) Please don’t say anymore.
Park Min Young jokes, “Micky Yoochun’s body…is ultra slim.” On the side, Yoochun is so embarrassed that he hides his face under the table.Indo Translate:
Gambar 1: (tertawa) Tolong jangan katakan lagi . Park Min Young bercanda, "tubuh Micky Yoochun sangat ramping." Di sebelahnya,, Yoochun sangat malu dan dia menyembunyikan wajahnya di meja.
Picture 2: Answering the question from reporters, “What were the most memorable lines you’ve had?”
His answer: “Strip.”* Yoochun hides his face with embarrassment.Indo Translate:
Gambar 2: Menjawab pertanyaan dari wartawan, "Apa yang mengesankan yang sudah kamu dapat?"
jawabnya: "strip" * Yoochun menyembunyikan wajahnya karena malu.
Picture 3: The two cannot stop laughing, and cannot even control themselves, trying to snatch the microphone away from each other to speak first.
T/N: This should be from the scene from “Beautiful Love” where Yonsu throws Hinata on the bed and says “脱げ” (Strip.)
Indo Translate:
Gambar 3: Keduanya tidak bisa berhenti tertawa, dan bahkan tidak dapat mengontrol diri mereka sendiri, berusaha merebut mikrofon dari satu sama lain untuk berbicara duluan.
T / N: ini harus dari adegan dari "Beautiful Lofe" dimana Yonsu melempar Hinata di tempat tidur dan mengatakan "脱げ" (Strip.)
Source: [Naver] + [baiduTVXQ]
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[Trans] 100715 Funny Moments At SungKyunKwan Scandal Press Conference – Embarrased Yoochun
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