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[Info Trans] Jaejoong Representative said “Hero Jaejoong and Japanese Model? A made up stuff”

  • 18 Mei 2010
  • ips0101

  • TVXQ Hero Jaejoong representative exposed denial regarding the rumored relationship with Japanese model.

    Recently Josei 7 Weekly magazine reported the sightings of TVXQ Hero Jaejoong and Yano Mikiko enjoyed a date at Shibuya 109 cross walk.

    The weekly magazine said, “While waiting for the traffic light, Hero Jaejoong and Yano Mikiko who wore mask in disguise shared a loving look to each other with linking arms.

    Hero Jaejoong official representative had a phonecall with Newsen to clarify the issue, “They met to have some meal together with their managers, but they’re not lovers at all.”

    Priorly in November last year Jaejoong was also ever rumored to date Japanese actress Abiru Yuu.

    Indoo Translate:

    Perwakilan hero jaejoong menolak tentang hubungan yang diisukan dengan model Jepang..

    Baru saja majalah Josei 7 Mingguan melaporkan penampakan Hero Jaejoong TVXQ dan yano Mikiko Yano menikmati kencanya di jalan 109 shibuya.

    Harian tersebut juga meyebutkan, "Sambil menunggu lampu lalu lintas , Hero Jaejoong dan Mikiko Yano yang menyamar mengenakan topeng dengan menunjukkan cinta satu sama lain dengan bergandengan tangan.

    Perwakilan resmi hero jaejoong mendapat telepon dari para newswn untuk mengklarifikasi masalah ini, "Mereka bertemu untuk makan bersama-sama dengan manajer mereka, "tapi mereka tidak pacaran sama sekali".

    "Pada November tahun lalu Jaejoong juga pernah diisukan berkencan dengan aktris Jepang Abiru Yuu.

    source: newsen
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    [Video] Stalking Yunho in Hongkong

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    [Pic] Changmin filming Paradise Ranch

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  • credit: baidu
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    [Pic+Trans] Junjae Tohomobile part 2

  • ips0101

  • Charismatic XIAH!

    XIAH junsu “I am a charisma…!”

    Park SoongSu “a,are you okay!? I’m a little worried…”

    Appears again!?

    The tank top stylist assistant Park SoongSu *laugh*

    Indo Translate:

    Karismatik Xiah!
    Xiah Junsu "Aku seorang yang berkarisma ...!"
    Park SoongSu ", kamu baik-bai saja!? aku agak sedikit khawatir ... "Muncul lagi!?
    Tank top asisten penata Park SoongSu * tertawa*

    credit: poplez
    trans by:

    [Info Trans] Sonny Twitter Updates

  • ips0101

  • the crowd went nuts for JUNSU @ MUSIC JAPAN TV shoot! reconfirmed Tohoshinki fans’ frenzy. feeling happy that i could dance in such stage! Tohoshinki fans, thnx 4 da luv&support!!!

    Indo Translate:

    the crowd went nuts for JUNSU @ MUSIC JAPAN TV shoot!menegaskan kembali tentang hiruk pikuknya fans Tohoshinki . merasa senang bahwa saya bisa berdansa di panggung seperti itu! Fans Tohoshinki,thnx 4 da luv&support!!!

    source: Sonny_PRIMETIME
    translation:: smiley @
    credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
    Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

    [Spazz] Yoochun’s old school

  • ips0101

  • yoochun’s old school, he is listed under notable alumni xDDD

    credit: juhli@soompi
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    [Video] Xiah Junsu Intoxication Live on Music Japan

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  • credit: celesdbsk@YT

    [Video] M-on Weekly Topics – Xiah Junsu Subbed

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  • credit: intoxiahcated@YT

    [Info Trans] Shirota Yu, Yamapi, Jaejoong Went Eating at Restaurant Together

  • ips0101

  • According to the restaurant waitress’ blog:


    Yesterday to my restaurant,Yama-P, Shirota Yu, and Jaejoong (Tohoshinki) came to eat~!!Even though I had no interest on them, yet if I see them in real life you’ll be excited~ *laughs*

    someone asked her if she could tell more about the incident and she replied~

    Yamashita-kun and Shirota Yu-kun came to our restaurant just before closing,
    Jaejoong came and joined them later☆
    They seemed not much hungry,
    I got order just some appetizers from them, but that was many good appetizers…(laugh)
    All of them were so handsome and cute!!

    Indo Translate:

    Menurut Blog pelayan restaurant:

    Kemarin di restotanku, Yama-P, Shirota Yu, dan Jaejoong (Tohoshinki) datang untuk makan! Meskipun aku tidak tertarik pada mereka, namun jika aku melihat mereka di kehidupan nyata, Anda' pasti mengesankan ~ * tertawa*


    seseorang bertanya apakah ia bisa memberitahu lebih lanjut tentang hal itu dan ia menjawab ~

    Yamashita-kun dan Shirota Yu-kun datang ke restoran kami restotan tutup, kemudian Jaejoong datang dan bergabung dengan mereka ☆ Mereka sepertinya tidak terlalu lapar, aku mendapat pesanan hanya beberapa makanan pembuka dari mereka, tapi itu awal yang baik ... (tertawa)
    Semuanya begitu tampan dan cute!

    source: kyont
    trans: Rieko@sharingyoochun

    [Pic] Changmin endorsement

  • ips0101
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  • credit: DC+baidu
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    [Pic+Trans] Beautiful Love Mobile Update

  • ips0101
  • Makan nabe (sepanci) bersama-sama!?
    YongSoo datag ke apartemen Hinata yang ia diami bersama kekasihnya, Akira (Nobuo Kyo)
    Mengapa hal ini terjadi!?

    Mereka Pulang ke rumah bersama-sama!?
    Hinata kembali ke rumahnya dengan YongSoo
    Hinata membencinya dan menyebutnya " orang jahat ".. tapi apa alasan bahwa ia membawa pulang Yong Soo ...?

    Ia sexy ketika ia melihat ke bawah.
    Yongsoo tampak baik dengan kemeja putihnya!

    credit: cafede-yuchun
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    [Info Trans] Junjea Tohomobile Staff Blog

  • ips0101
  • He had an interview
    He had an interview for MUSIC JAPAN!
    A picture with Sekine Mari-san!!

    She was advertising for XIAH (^o^)

    We’re very grateful of you. Please help us to send a message to Tsuton-sama* too ♪

    *Tsuton: the Korean name that Sekine Tsutomu made for himself.

    source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
    translation: linhkawaii @
    credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
    Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

    [Info Trans] Tohomobile Staff Blog Updates

  • ips0101

  • Xiah……!!!
    Xiah, who performed Intoxication after the photo shoot for the interview…!
    Xiah, you’re really handsome!

    Indo Translate:


    Xiah, yang wawancara intoxication setelah pemotretan...,!
    Xiah.... Anda benar-benar tampan!

    Angel Jun-chan
    Acceded to the requests of everyone and delivered the image of Angel Jun-chan~
    Mr Junsu is someone who is full of different facial expressions~

    Indo Translate:

    Angel Juni-chan
    menyetujui permintaan semua orang dan memberikan citra Angel-chan ~ Junsu adalah seseorang yang penuh dengan ekspresi wajah yang berbeda ~

    The Thanksgiving Concert at the Dome is currently in the midst of production.

    source: Tohomobile + baiduTVXQ
    translation: kimuchi3005 @
    credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
    Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

    [Info Trans] SONGS Interview – XIAH

  • ips0101

  • Junsu, who dominated the music scene with vocal group DBSK, has now released a single as “XIAH junsu”. The single is named [XIAH]. Through Junsu’s vocals, which is termed as the “Voice of Asia”, this completed work is a collection of a dance track that displays a strong sense of maturity and a ballad, a genre that Junsu excels in. Be it in the hearing or visual effects, Junsu has actively involved himself in the entire production process.

    Junsu was really nervous about releasing a single in his own name. Even so, he has overcome that nerve to complete this work confidently.

    The solo track has been completed already, right?
    Yes. Even though it was quite tough handling both the musical [“Mozart!”] and the production of the single at the same time early this year, I was also very happy doing it.

    [Intoxication] is really a dance track that leaves people with a deep impression.
    I have been singing ballads for a long time now, and the image of me as a ballad singer is etched very deeply [in the minds of the audience]. Since I was going to perform as a solo artiste, I was determined to try something that was different from what I used to do in the past.

    You were involved in both the composition of the melody and the lyrics. What are your thoughts and feelings about that?
    When I shared my intentions of wanting to try [composition] with the people around me, there was a renewed vigor [in me]. Composing is really something very joyful (laughs).

    You must have really enjoyed yourself in the production process.
    When I first heard the song, an image of how it would look like on stage came to my mind so I really enjoyed the recording process. When you sing in a group, you have to take note of the balance amongst the other members. However, as I am the only person singing this time, I have to pay attention to the expressions of the different tones and take note if I have successfully interpreted the liveliness of the song.

    When you are singing alone, do you meet up with more barriers?
    How do I say it… In comparison to harmonizing, you need a different amount of focus and energy. However, based on the recording so far, I would use the knowledge accumulated from past experiences, and along with the mindset that this song is very important, to try and attempt a breakthrough.