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[Trans] 100615 Kikuchi P’s Blog Update

  • 16 Jun 2010
  • ips0101

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    2010/06/13 “Bokurano Ongaku” and others. I went to JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN THNAKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME

    (few sentences omitted)

    In the evening,
    I went to the Tokyo dome.
    I was looking forward to the event very much!
    I was also impressed by their tears in the last part.
    I met Yoochun after the performance.
    He was a little bit wild-looking (lol).
    I haven’t seen him for a long while.
    It was a long time since I’d seen Jaejoong singing, too.
    I saw the 3 members in their relaxed fashion (lol).
    I will look forward to the summer day,
    when we can work together again!

    Indo Translate:

    Pada malam hari,
    saya pergi ke Tokyo Dome!.
    Aku sangat berharap melihat acaranya
    aku juga terkesan dengan air mata mereka di bagian akhir acara
    Aku bertemu YooChun setelah pertunjukan.
    Dia sedang mencari sesuatu (lol).
    Aku tidak melihat dia untuk sementara waktu.
    Ini juga waktu yang lama sejak aku melihat Jaejoong bernyanyi.
    aku melihat 3 anggota dalam mode santai mereka (lol).
    Aku akan menanti-nantikan hari musim panas,
    ketika kita bisa bekerja sama lagi!

    source: Kikuchi P’s Blog
    translation: smiley @
    credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
    Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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