Rehearsal images are up on the Official Site(Laughs) Thank you for your supportive messages for the members, who are also working hard today. Because it’s hot, everyone please take care~!
Junsu and Jejung are well too, so please do not worry! They can’t wait for a-nation (Laughs) For everyone’s message, we will definitely show it to them at tomorrow’s rehearsal. Good night!
Thank you. I believe that the three will work so hard that their efforts will reach Korea. Please give them your support! (RT: We are supporting them from Korea too ^.^)Somehow, Yuchun is the most energetic one! (Laughs) (RT: Is Yuchun’s physical condition alright? Please tell the three to take care of their themselves.)
a-nation rehearsal now! The members are really energetic! There is only a bit of time before the real show, so they are really working hard~
(Irrelevant Tweets Omitted)
Indo Translate:
Latihan gambar yang sampai di Situs Resmi (tertawa) Terima kasih untuk pesan Anda untuk mendukung para anggota, yang juga bekerja keras hari ini. Karena panas, jagalah kesehatan ~!
Junsu dan Jejung baik pula, jadi jangan khawatir! Mereka tidak dapat menunggu untuk a-nation(tertawa) pesan untuk setiap orang, kami pasti akan menunjukkan kepada mereka di latihan besok. Selamat malam!
Terima kasih. Saya percaya bahwa ketiganya akan bekerja keras sehingga usaha mereka akan mencapai Korea. Tolong beri mereka dukungan kalian! (RT: Kami mendukung mereka dari Korea juga ^. ^)
Entah bagaimana, Yuchun adalah yang paling energik! (tertawa) (RT: kondisi fisik Yuchun Apakah sebaik itu? tolong katakan pada ketiganya untuk menjaga diri mereka!.)
-a nation sedang latihan sekarang Para anggota benar-benar energik! Hanya ada sedikit waktu sebelum menunjukkan dengan nyata, sehingga mereka benar-benar bekerja keras ~
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[Trans] 100805 Homin Congratulating Messages For BoA’s 6th Album
To. BoA~ ♥
BoA~! I congratulate you on your first performance~☆
Show everyone who you are onstage~♥
You are the world’s best… I look forward to your amazing album~☆-U.Know-
Hello~ this is Changmin!
Finally! BoA senior’s long awaited 6th album has been released!
Please show your unchanging love for BoA who is celebrating her tenth anniversary this year!!^^
She will enthrall your eyes and ears with her great songs and performances.
I! will vouch for that! ^^ And… She’s beautiful too!
Where else could you find such a musician? HAHA
Everyone, let’s go wild! ^^Hwaiting! \>o
Source: [baidutvxq]
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credit: JJY HP
shared by: ips0101